PLace de la Concorde articles Tag

In Paris, the Hôtel de la Marine reopens to the public

1- When was it built? The Hôtel de la Marine, an iconic monument on the Place de la Concorde in Paris, is a neoclassical palace. It was built and fitted out between 1758 and 1774 by Ange-Jacques Gabriel, Louis XV's first architect. This imposing building first housed the prestigious Garde-me ...


The Ice Cream Cookie: The Star Dessert of Summer

n is a highly anticipated event for gourmets and the most discerning ice cream lovers. In 2024, the cart will make its return to Paris on June 27th at Place de la Concorde. Foodies can discover the ice cream cookie concept or try a new flavor on the Terrasse Concorde of the Hôtel de Crillon and in ...


The Champs-Elysées: the most beautiful avenue in the world in 5 questions

�es is undoubtedly the most famous avenue in Paris and one of the most prestigious. This major artery, located in the 8th arrondissement, connects the Place de la Concorde and its famous Obelisk to the Place Charles-de-Gaulle (formerly Place de l'Étoile) at the center of which stands the Arc de Tr ...


Paris 2024: How to Watch the Olympics on TV?

mpiad, many viewers will be in front of their screens, especially since the organizing committee has announced a grand spectacle, with urban sports at Place de la Concorde, fencing under the glass roof of the Grand Palais, and beach volleyball at the foot of the Eiffel Tower! In France, the channel ...


Paris 2024: The Paralympic Games in 5 Figures

ain and France, the Paralympic flame will be rekindled in the Paris sky on Wednesday, August 28. The opening ceremony will take place the same day at Place de la Concorde starting at 8 PM. This day of lighting the cauldron and the opening ceremony will mark the kickoff of the 11 days of competition ...


The Agitos: Understanding This Paralympic Symbol in 5 Questions

1- What are the Agitos? During the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games and during tonight's opening ceremony, you will likely hear the term "Agitos" repeatedly. For those who don't know what this peculiar word refers to, the Agitos are the Paralympic symbol featured on the logo and the flag of the Paralym ...
