A silent pollution linked to gas cooking Researchers from the Dutch Organization for Applied Scientific Research, or TNO, installed sensors in homes across 7 European countries for five months to measure residents' exposure to nitrogen dioxide emitted during gas cooking. The study was conducted in ...
always involve a car or a truck.', reminds David Belliard, the EELV deputy mayor of Paris, in charge of roads and mobility. Does this measure reduce pollution? On the other hand, contrary to what one might think, the 30 km/h speed limit has no obvious impact on air pollution in the capital. ...
tides the sea rises very quickly. Remember that you should always return to a dry spot as soon as the sea starts to rise again. Beware of the risk of pollution. Before engaging in shore fishing, it is also important to inquire with the town hall or tourist office about the cleanliness of the fishing ...
les. Coral is threatened by the warming of the oceans. Corals were initially threatened by their use in jewelry. Today, they are primarily suffering from pollution and climate change. According to the United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the world is experiencing, i ...
- To evacuate pollutants We don't always realize it, but the indoor air in our homes is on average more polluted than the outdoor air. This indoor pollution is partly related to daily activities such as cooking (which generates moisture and cooking fumes), and partly caused by furniture and floor ...
er the case during episodes of high heat. Not only is it advised to avoid physical exertion during heatwaves, but atmospheric conditions also lead to ozone pollution in cities. In summer, due to the combined effect of sunlight and lack of wind, it is common for ozone concentration to increase in th ...
significant ecological gesture as it reduces household waste by 30 to 40%. It diverts organic waste from collection and processing, resulting in less pollution and reduced costs. Composting is therefore an excellent means of valorizing organic waste from both a technical and ecological perspective. ...
Let's mobilize for soft mobility! Created in 2002 by the European Commission, the European Mobility Week aims to: - to encourage the general public to use less polluting means of transport - to encourage local authorities to promote these modes of transport and to invest in the necessary infrastr ...
• Ecological: concern for preserving the planet, its forests, oceans, and water resources. Indeed, the production of animal products generates more pollution than transportation (18%). Furthermore, it takes five times more water to feed a meat-eater than to feed a vegan. Livestock farming (mai ...
ns. They can come into contact with animals we consume (such as fish) and amplify the phenomenon of bacterial resistance. The solution to avoid this pollution is simple: return the unused medications to the pharmacy so they can be safely recycled by specific channels. 5- Limit disinfectants and pes ...
of Green plants in the office helps to improve well-being at work. Indeed, in addition to the supposed action of depolluting plants against indoor pollution and waves from our computer equipment, the simple color green is reputed to be relaxing. Moreover, the addition of plants is enough to ma ...
er-pollute. Dirty spark plugs increase deposits in the engine and release harmful particles into the exhaust. As you can see, in order to avoid pollution and save fuel, it is important to take care of your car's maintenance in general and spark plugs in particular. Check tire inflation Ano ...
t message if you are in a geographical area facing a serious danger. This alert message aims to inform you : - the nature of the risk (flood, pollution, industrial or nuclear accident...) - its location (department, town, neighborhood) - the behaviors to adopt to protect yourself ( ...
e surface of the water, at a shallow depth. This semi-submersible can notably collect information on fauna, flora but also on macro-waste and water pollution not far from the coast and this, in a much faster way than during a traditional dive with tanks. This is why it was chosen by the Blue O ...
batteries. Coastal areas are proven to help reduce stress levels and breathe easier. Sea air is beneficial for respiratory illnesses and there is less pollution on the coastline. Breathe in the sea spray at your lungs and enjoy your vacation to be lulled by the sound of the waves and/or to contem ...
1980s, aerosol particles have been concentrated in the atmosphere, literally "shielding" the warming caused by solar radiation. During the same period, pollution due to the combustion of fossil fuels (oil, gas, coal), warmed the atmosphere. The combination of the two (aerosols and combustion) cance ...
ic oil such as jojoba oil and make sure to rinse it off well to avoid leaving an oily film on your skin. This first step allows you to capture the pollution particles and grease contained in foundations and sun creams. Then rinse with water or thermal spring water if you have dry and/or sensitive ...
t, we don't necessarily think about the environmental impact of our purchase. And yet, the cultivation of off-season flowers generates significant pollution: these species grow in greenhouses or come from the ends of the earth (from South America, Africa or Southeast Asia). The intensive culti ...
float. These innovative floats are similar to the others and just as easy to drive, with the notable differences that they produce no noise and no pollution. If this first test is conclusive, the electric floats, more expensive but also more ecological, are promised to a bright future during ...
into a cloud to increase the condensation of water vapor and cause a downpour. However, this process for triggering rain is controversial due to the pollution and meteorological disruptions it can cause. 5- There is an International Day of Clouds. This is to alert the general public about the risks ...