st spring of the 20th century in France. Only the springs of 2011 and 2020 were warmer, being 2°C and 1.7°C above seasonal normals respectively. With a precipitation deficit of 45% in mainland France, spring 2022 is also the third driest spring ever, behind those of 2011 and 1976. While s ...
ppens that stormy episodes are not accompanied by no rain on the ground. Therefore, a dry thunderstorm can be defined as a thunderstorm event with no precipitation on the ground and high electrical activity. A rare phenomenon If you had never heard of dry thunderstorms before this summer, it's p ...
tions should be rather anticyclonic, with dry and cold weather. On the other hand, disturbances will be able to circulate around the Mediterranean and precipitation should be expected in the south and southeast. Cold weather before a thaw While winter has not yet officially begun, you may be won ...
n of the best free weather apps for its very clean interface that gives you all the useful information at a glance. This app provides weather forecasts, precipitation, and radar in a minimalist and elegant style. While its form is appealing, the content is not lacking as Today Weather uses forecast ...
1- What does cloud seeding involve? Cloud seeding is a technique that involves adding aerosols or small particles to clouds in order to influence precipitation and modify the weather. Most often, silver iodide particles are used. They are released by airplanes flying over the clouds or sent from t ...
rfectly suitable for watering your crops! It has the double advantage of being rich in trace elements without being hard. Despite varying amounts of precipitation depending on the regions, water recovery can be practiced everywhere and by everyone. Contrary to popular belief, it is very common in ...
ay and do not drop below 20°C at night. For plants, such a phenomenon is synonymous with significant evaporation. At the same time, drought occurs when precipitation is rare or non-existent. In France, such a lack of rain usually occurs in summer, but it can also happen in winter! A period of dro ...
yclones, and torrential rains are direct consequences of rising global temperatures. Why? - Increased heat promotes evaporation, leading to intense precipitation. - Melting ice contributes to rising sea levels, worsening coastal flooding. Note: An increase of just 2°C could double or triple the ...
ficial definition of the World Meteorological Organization or WMO, climate is a statistical description of atmospheric variables (such as temperature, precipitation, and wind) over a 30-year period. In contrast, weather is concerned only with the temperature at a given time T and place. Thus, you ...
water droplets suspended in a cloud combine to form heavier drops. When these drops freeze in the atmosphere before reaching the Earth's surface, the precipitation turns into snow, hail, or freezing rain. But did you know that it is possible to artificially trigger rain using a technique called clo ...