risk factor articles Tag

Stomach cancer: excess salt is a risk factor.

th salt excretion in urine and data from national cancer registries. It was found that excessive consumption of this seasoning or of cured meat is a risk factor for stomach cancer. The risk is increased by 39% compared to patients who rarely or never salt their food, even when taking into account o ...


Prevention of Dementia: 5 Simple Tips to Avoid Cognitive Decline

ut 70% of cases are related to Alzheimer's disease (the leading cause worldwide). In the absence of a cure, scientists are focusing their research on risk factors and ways to prevent this cognitive decline. They estimate that adopting good habits throughout one's life could prevent half of the cases ...


High Blood Pressure: What You Need to Know in 5 Questions

ve people. From the age of 50, it is therefore recommended to check one's blood pressure at least once a year, or even twice if there are additional risk factors such as age, heredity, and being a woman. Indeed, after menopause, one in two women is affected due to the drop in estrogen that ensures ...


Three misconceptions about tobacco

some smokers to think that they risk nothing because of their youth, physical activity or low consumption... As proof that smoking remains a major risk factor, Health Minister Marisol Touraine announced on May 18, 2016, the creation of a smoking prevention fund endowed with 32 million euros and ...


Health check-up: what are the medical appointments to plan?

r your eye health by performing tests such as a fundus. If you have many moles, also schedule a visit to the dermatologist. Because moles are a risk factor for skin cancer, you should have them checked by this specialist at least once a year. Do not hesitate to show your skin, on the whole ...


Kidney stones: what diet to adopt?

g your alcohol and sugar intake will also help you not gain weight, which is a good way to avoid kidney colic attacks. In fact, being overweight is a risk factor for this condition. What foods promote kidney stones? Because kidney stones are most often composed of calcium oxalate, it is also kno ...


Health: understanding osteopenia or bone fragility in 5 questions

s possible to take action to strengthen your bones at any age. 3- At what age does osteopenia appear? In general, in individuals without specific risk factors, osteopenia is considered a natural phenomenon beyond age 50. This loss of bone density affects one in two women and accelerates in th ...


Swollen prostate: what should you eat and drink?

lth problem, it is recommended to eat a balanced diet and adopt a Mediterranean diet rich in vegetables, fish and good fats. In fact, overweight is a risk factor for prostatic hypertrophy. To regain or maintain your healthy weight, it is recommended to limit: - alcohol - sugary products ...


Osteoarthritis: beware of preconceived ideas!

completely false to claim that this condition only affects seniors and corresponds to normal joint aging. In reality, aging is not the only cause or risk factor for this disease. Heredity, overweight, and joint injuries in obese individuals and high-level athletes can also contribute to the develop ...


Health: 6 Good Reasons to Quit Smoking

giving up cigarettes is a good way to achieve whiter teeth, a clearer complexion, and more beautiful hair. 3- Increase one's life expectancy. Smoking being a major risk factor for cancer and numerous heart and lung diseases, quitting smoking allows to increase one's life expectancy. The benefits on ...


Urgent Need to Urinate: Overactive Bladder in 5 Questions

l amounts and, sometimes, by accidental urine leakage, also known as urge urinary incontinence. What are the causes of an overactive bladder? Various risk factors contribute to overactive bladder. These can include: - Physiological aging of the bladder as one gets older. - Excessive consumption of f ...
