• Pulling, mowing, or chemical weeding before flowering. The National Aerobiological Surveillance Network (RNSA) is responsible for informing citizens about this scourge. Everyone is encouraged to report infested areas or destroy this plant if they can. The period of June-July is the most suita ...
the feeding-bottle are a real disaster for the oral health of young children. More and more health professionals want to alert public opinion to this scourge. This phenomenon of Coca Babies is not only painful or embarrassing for the children concerned. It is also unfair because it affects mostly ...
o raise awareness among their audience about the harmful effects of overtourism and encourage visitors to explore off the beaten track in order not to worsen the scourge of mass tourism. ...
ars are not their only misdeeds, as these insects are also vectors of serious diseases such as malaria, dengue, and chikungunya. In the face of this scourge, an article published by Israeli researchers in June 2023 offers a glimmer of hope. These scientists from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem h ...
is Mediterranean ant does not have venom. 4- What is the problem with Tapinoma magnum? Even though this ant is harmless to human health, it is a real scourge for the environment and for residents wherever it settles. It is indeed an invasive species that reproduces much faster than most other ants ...
hone have at least one account on social networks like Instagram or Snapchat. Yet, this is enough to expose them to the risk of cyberbullying, a scourge that is much more common than you might imagine... Indeed, it is estimated that 10% of the European population has been or will be bullied on ...
A booming scam You probably already know this if you follow Julien Courbet's TV shows, identity theft is a very fashionable fraud at the moment. This scam has boomed over the past year and is claiming more and more victims. You need to be especially careful with your identity papers, as all y ...
1- Illiteracy should not be confused with illiteracy The terms literacy and literacy are often thought to be synonyms. But, in reality, these two words refer to different situations. analphabetism is the situation of a person who has never learned to read or write. Literacy is the situation o ...
What will change in 2023? From next year, a measure will come into force in France that should simplify the life of consumers harassed by commercial telephone solicitation (unsolicited calls or SMS). If you are no longer able to filter these unwanted calls, you should know that from January 1, 2 ...
ed by behavioral causes. What are the behavioral causes of cold feet? As people age, some lose their appetite and may suffer from undernutrition (a scourge that affects between 4% and 10% of people over 70 living at home). Yet, insufficient nutrition leads to weight loss and melt of body fat, re ...
1- Use panels made of natural materials. The first tip to protect plants on a windy balcony is to create a windbreak using panels. This type of permanent installation is essential if your balcony is exposed to a dominant wind that regularly returns. In hardware stores, you will have a wide choice ...
regularly exposed to tobacco smoke and the many toxic substances it contains, promotes asthma, infections, and ENT diseases in children. This often underestimated scourge increases the frequency of rhinopharyngitis and ear infections and leads to an increased risk of sudden infant death syndrome in ...
The Olympic year is an opportunity for public authorities to relay this prevention message, which is still not followed enough... Sedentariness is a scourge for the health of French people of all ages. A study conducted by Professor François Carré, a cardiologist and sports physician, involving 1 ...
Physical activity accessible to all Doctors are unanimous: sedentary lifestyle is a scourge for our health, just like smoking or being overweight. Despite official recommendations, too few French people manage to reach the 30 minutes of physical activity each day. If you are among those who always ...
y published in November 2024, children and adolescents do not spend enough time outdoors. Among both young people and adults, sedentary behavior is a scourge that increases the risks of obesity and diabetes, as well as anxiety disorders and social isolation. To address this, the report recommends pr ...
ur smartphone before arriving at the stadium to avoid any unnecessary stress when passing through the gates. Note: The black market being a recurring scourge in sports ticketing, we strongly recommend that you always go through official platforms or recognized sites like footballtickets.fr. This wil ...