taboo articles Tag

5 Tips for Returning or Reselling Your Christmas Gifts

Preserve the object in its original state. The first of the 5 tips for returning or reselling your Christmas gifts is to keep them in their original condition. If you think about getting rid of an item as soon as the wrapping paper is off, you must not touch it. Do not remove the packaging around ...


Christmas gifts: why and how to give second-hand gifts?

the number of visitors, particularly in the games and toys section. Where can you find them? Now that second-hand Christmas gifts are no longer a taboo, it's very easy to find them in specialized shops, such as the En second lieu shop located in the 10th arrondissement of Paris. If you prefer ...


Hemorrhoids: 3 natural solutions to avoid recurrence

onsult a doctor without delay in order to eliminate a more serious pathology. Even if this subject is not always easy to talk about, it should not be taboo! Talking about it is the first step to getting better. ...


Toulouse-Lautrec High School: a series inspired by a true story on TF1

ars old, former student of Toulouse-Lautrec high school. The young woman who suffers from myopathy talks about her disability and the gaze of others without taboo: 'The feelings we are regularly confronted with are either exclusion or too much compassion. I would like us to find a happy medium.' ...


Cinema, books and magazines: 5 good deals to enjoy culture for less.

library does not have or that you wish to keep or offer, the solution to pay less lies in buying second-hand. Buying second-hand cultural products is no longer taboo and it is the third of our 5 tips to enjoy culture for less! According to a Kantar study for eBay dating from December 2021, 53% of ...


Chemofog: Cancer-Related Cognitive Impairments in 5 Questions

lk about it around you, ideally with a psychiatrist or psychologist! There is no shame in losing some mental sharpness due to your treatment. Today, chemofog is no longer a taboo but a known and recognized side effect by caregivers. For patients, it is important to address these cognitive disorders ...
