The harvest articles Tag

The Harvest Festival of Provins

A unique party in France. The Harvest Festival of Provins is unique because it is the only harvest festival in France that does not take place in the fields. It has been organized by the Commune Libre de la Ville Haute since 1971. The festivities take place in the village squares and streets, just ...


Flowers: 8 things to know about violets

o that the plant can rest and get through the hot weather. The mowing allowed in the past an additional supply of leaves for the perfume industry. The harvest takes place from October to March and the flowers damaged or stemmed during this stage are reserved for the crystallization industry. ...


Saffron: Everything You Need to Know About This Precious Spice in 5 Questions

of vanilla. It is often sold in capsules of 0.3 or 0.5 grams to reduce its selling price. It is from October that the pistils are harvested by hand. The harvest takes place every morning for about a month, and the importance of manual labor justifies the high price of this spice. Indeed, it takes ...


The camerisier or edible honeysuckle: an amazing shrub

shrub by cuttings: you will just have to take cuttings from semi-hardened stems (i.e. half hardwood, half soft part). Berries with multiple virtues The harvest of the camerisier berries can thus be spread out from May until August. But you'll need to remain vigilant, as birds are very fond of ...


Capers: Everything you need to know about this condiment in 5 questions.

memade capers? If you have a common caper plant in your garden, you can absolutely consider harvesting the flower buds and preparing homemade capers. The harvest takes place during the months of July and August. To counterbalance their natural bitterness, the buds must first be drained in salt for ...


Garden: 5 Good Reasons to Plant a Guava Tree

juice can be used to make delicious cocktails! Initially green, the fruits turn yellow when ripe: this is the sign that they are ready to be picked. The harvest usually takes place at the end of summer and in the fall. You can consume the fruits as they are or use them to make juices, fruit pastes ...
