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Photography at all costs: the best photographers of the year exhibited at the BNF

A year of photographic awards For the exhibition La photographie à tout prix, the Bibliothèque nationale de France offered the winners of the 2021 photography awards the opportunity to present their latest work to the public. The BNF is indeed a partner of two prestigious awards in the field o ...


Plus belle la vie: soon the end?

daily soap opera has also been emulated: today, there are not less than three other daily dramas that compete with it: Demain nous appartient and Ici tout commence on TF1 and Un si grand soleil on France 2. If this genre once absent in France has developed so much, it is of course thanks to the p ...


Insomnia: Melatonin is not a miracle cure

What is melatonin? Melatonin is a hormone naturally produced by the body. It is secreted at night by the pineal gland in the brain. As night falls, this molecule inhibits the neural networks of wakefulness and stimulates those that control sleep. It therefore regulates biological rhythms and promot ...


Return of Star Ac on TF1: what you need to know in 5 questions

, unless the One decides to pause its show Familles nombreuses. In any case, the channel has planned to reserve a time slot for the soap operas Ici tout commence and Demain nous appartient, whose broadcast on TF1 is not threatened. To learn more about this tenth season of Star Ac and discover ...


Beautiful Life: the series soon back on television?

, the TF1 group has simply stated that the return of Plus Belle La Vie on its channel is under consideration. The production company Newen, which also produces Demain nous appartient and Ici tout commence, has chosen not to react and has not provided any official confirmation. Despite many uncertai ...


Cat's Eyes: 5 Things to Know About the TF1 Series

enlisted faces well-known to French viewers: • Camille Lou in the role of Tamara. • Constance Labbé as Sylia. • Claire Romain (seen in Ici tout commence) in the role of Alexia. In addition to this lovely trio of actresses, singer and actor MB14 is part of the cast, playing Quenti ...
