It is through this nerve that 80% of the information exchanged between our brain and our organs transits. What is it for? The vagus nerve is a transmission cable that works both ways: - it gathers information about our organs and sends it back to the brain - it allows the brain to s ...
example) - contact with infected mucous membranes - spitting According to health authorities, the cases reported in Europe are linked to transmission through mucous membranes during sexual relations. An epidemic easier to contain After the Covid-19 pandemic we have experienced since ...
to visit the Ministry of Economy's website (link below). What is the weight of this sector in the French economy? Although crafts are a matter of tradition and transmission of ancestral know-how, they are also future-oriented professions. These professions play an essential role in the French econom ...
Invention of the mobile phone The mobile phone is not, strictly speaking, an invention but an object born from the combination of several technologies (some of which were known since the late 1940s). The origins of this innovation can be traced back to radio technology that was developed from th ...
ion. Moreover, with holidays and other year-end celebrations, it is easy to find oneself in crowded and enclosed spaces, which greatly facilitates the transmission of the virus. Anticipating contagion during holidays and travel If you plan to travel or attend events with large crowds, consider adopt ...
more than 75% of households own at least one radio receiver. This medium thus constitutes an incomparable vector of information, debate, culture and transmission of knowledge for many individuals, regardless of their level of literacy and degree of participation in public life. Since 2012, World ...
ch as those provided by olive oil as well as omega 3 provided by fatty fish and rapeseed oil. Good fats improve the quality of cell membranes and the transmission of information between neurons. - Magnesium whose deficiencies are frequent and lead to a decrease in dopamine and greater vulnera ...
They have been able to observe that hypnotic trance alters the activity of certain areas of the brain, including areas related to emotions and the transmission of painful messages. This finding explains why regular sessions help to reduce the perception of pain and the emotional component of c ...
isanal bakeries compared to 35,000 today. While artisanal bakeries disappear every year, it had become urgent to protect this national symbol. The transmission of this know-how is a priority for the industry, especially since the consumption of baguettes is declining among the wealthy classes... ...
y weapon against mosquito bites would be a revolutionary innovation. It would not only allow for more peaceful evenings and nights but also limit the transmission of several serious diseases. Note: In parallel with this publication, other researchers from Johns Hopkins University in the United Stat ...
ation among humans, it is mainly because their bite is a vector for serious and sometimes deadly diseases. The tiger mosquito in particular is responsible for the transmission of several pathogens: • Zika virus • Dengue virus • Chikungunya virus As for other species, they can tra ...
he trade soon intertwine with family secrets... More than just an introduction to the world of wine, this series offers a universal story of lineage and transmission. One of the strengths of this fiction is that it can be enjoyed without having read the original manga and without knowing anything a ...
h the crime genre, this fiction highlights the diversity of the farming world. It addresses the issue of rurality and, more broadly, the themes of heritage, transmission, and lineage. 5- The atmosphere of this thriller promises to be unusual. In the series The Eclipse, the drama affecting several fa ...