Ukraine articles Tag

Solidarity: how to help Ukraine?

ey to? If you want to help all the people affected by this conflict and in particular the Ukrainians who have taken refuge in the countries bordering Ukraine, you can make a donation to the international NGOs that are intervening there. This is of course the case with the French Red Cross, to whi ...


Understanding the population alert system in 5 questions

broadcast on the radio - messages relayed on social networks 5- What should you do in case of an alert? While the current context of war in Ukraine testifies to the importance of warning sirens, this Wednesday is an opportunity to recall the behavior to adopt in case of real crisis. If ...


Mustard shortage: how to replace this ingredient in cooking?

In the mayonnaise The mustard is one of the basic ingredients of homemade mayonnaise. If you want to prepare this great classic of French cuisine, know that you can make it without mustard by following the method below. Simply mix an egg yolk with a tablespoon of wine vinegar before assembling t ...


Travelling Solo: our recommendations for safe travel

where armed militias rule... in short so-called high-risk countries and places. It goes without saying that this is not necessarily the time to go to Ukraine, Afghanistan or Eritrea. If you are traveling by sailboat, also avoid areas where piracy is significant. Also think about the fact that your c ...


Shortage of raw materials: beware, the composition of products may change

g exemption? Usually, manufacturers of food or cosmetic products are required to list all ingredients on the packaging. However, due to the war in Ukraine and Russia and the resulting difficulties in supplying raw materials, the Ministry of Economy has made an exception to this rule. It has au ...


European elections: the EU&I app helps you choose your party

lp you see more clearly and choose the party whose opinions are closest to yours. As the stakes of the 2024 European elections are enormous, with the war in Ukraine, the European Green Deal, and the issue of migration flows, it is more important than ever to participate in the vote as an informed c ...
