Several vaccines against bronchiolitis approved in Europe. The bronchiolitis virus is a common respiratory virus in babies and the elderly. It affects 90% of young children before the age of 24 months and can lead to hospitalizations and even deaths. The development of a vaccine against this virus ...
A third dose to keep its health pass In his address on November 9, 2021, French President Emmanuel Macron announced that the Third dose of Covid vaccine would become mandatory to maintain its health pass for a portion of the population. Due to the evolution of the epidemic in France and througho ...
l, vulvar, vaginal, and throat cancers. This highlights the importance of vaccinating adolescents before their first sexual relations. 2- Who is this vaccine recommended for? After being recommended for girls since 2007, the papillomavirus vaccine is also recommended for boys since 2021. Today in F ...
in France. To deal with the spike in cases, authorities have called on the French to get a booster dose, more commonly known as the Third dose of vaccine, to maintain the benefit of their health pass. As the French rush to make appointments at vaccination centers, some are worried about recei ...
's immune system to take on the task of fighting the cancer. This shift in perspective is the source of immunotherapy but also many ongoing cancer vaccine investigations. Therapeutic vaccines Unlike the HPV vaccine, which is a preventive vaccine against certain cancers (cervical cancer and EN ...
1- Who is concerned by the vaccine recall? Faced with the exponential increase of contaminations in France, Olivier Véran gave a press conference on November 25, 2021. The Minister of Health then announced that the vaccine booster was going to be extended to all adults to deal with the 5th wave ...
a favorable opinion. In an advisory opinion published last Wednesday, this institution considered that some children should benefit from the Covid vaccine. Vaccination should for now be reserved for children at risk of the virus form and for those living in the vicinity of vulnerable adults, s ...
February 1, 2022. If you are one of those people who have a complete vaccination schedule after contracting the disease and receiving two doses of vaccine, no worries! You can keep a valid QR code by simply updating your vaccination pass. 2- How to update? The message you received on February ...
In addition, infected individuals are only contagious once they report symptoms. This epidemic is therefore easier to contain than Covid-19. A vaccine that is 85% effective Another reassuring piece of information is that the conventional smallpox vaccine works against this disease. People ove ...
, it will be possible to get vaccinated against severe forms of Covid starting from Monday, October 2nd, 2023. The Ministry of Health specifies that vaccines are available in sufficient quantities and that they are effective against the original strain of the virus and other variants, including the ...
compared with the original form of the virus, the risk of hospitalization and ICU admission is up to 80% lower. Another reassuring fact is that the vaccine is still as effective against the disease, even if you have had contact with the BA2 variant. After 3 doses of vaccine, the efficacy again ...
The virus is expected to decrease in intensity in the coming weeks Professor Alain Fischer, who chairs the Orientation Council for Vaccine Strategy in France, said in the Express on January 15, 2022: 'a period of calm should open before us.' If some experts are confident and optimistic about the ...
1- Vaccine compatibility The Covid-19 epidemic that has disrupted our daily lives for the past two years has not spared the field of dating. From now on, the vaccination status of love suitors is a selection criterion on dating apps. The first trend in dating in 2022 is therefore to ask quest ...
irin, or paracetamol to treat fever. Vitamin C can also help combat the infection. However, for the elderly and those with chronic illnesses, the flu vaccine is strongly recommended as a preventive measure. This vaccine, which is free for people over 65 years old or those who are ill, must be renew ...
and be contagious again following stress, parturition, or illness. The means of prevention The best way to prevent cat coryza is vaccination. This Vaccine works against both Calicivirus, rhinotracheitis, and Chlamydia (bacteria that can make the disease worse). The Vaccination is done at the v ...
ruses, bacteria, protozoa and even neurotoxins. They can thus be responsible for different diseases, including Tick-borne encephalitis (against which a vaccine exists), rickettsiosis and Lyme disease. Lyme disease is the best known of the tick-borne diseases and can leave very disabling sequelae if ...
ofessionals at three key ages of life: 25 years, 45 years and 65 years. These three ages were not chosen by chance because they also correspond to vaccine boosters such as DTP (diphtheria, tetanus and polio vaccine). What are the objectives of these consultations? With this unprecedented meas ...
r healthcare professionals who have been exposed to the virus without personal protection, it is possible to carry out post-exposure vaccination. In this case, the vaccine should be administered ideally within four days after the risky contact, not exceeding 14 days. For children, post-exposure vac ...