e reversed soon according to health authorities, vaccination centres are reserving Pfizer doses for the under 30s for the time being. Are the two vaccines equally effective? Health Minister Olivier Véran sought to reassure, saying 'Moderna and Pfizer, it's the same. The only difference is that ...
ary to take into account different expenses that cannot be ignored: - food - accessories (collar, leash, basket, brush, toys) - veterinary expenses (vaccines, anti-parasite products but also sterilization and unexpected illness or accident) - grooming Adopting a dog, a cat or any other animal ...
fighting the cancer. This shift in perspective is the source of immunotherapy but also many ongoing cancer vaccine investigations. Therapeutic vaccines Unlike the HPV vaccine, which is a preventive vaccine against certain cancers (cervical cancer and ENT cancers in particular), the cancer vac ...
In this case, 3 injections are necessary. - men who have sex with other men up to the age of 26. Once again, three injections are necessary. 3- What vaccines are available against human papillomavirus? In France, two vaccines are available against human papillomavirus: • Cervarix vaccine, which p ...
, it will be possible to get vaccinated against severe forms of Covid starting from Monday, October 2nd, 2023. The Ministry of Health specifies that vaccines are available in sufficient quantities and that they are effective against the original strain of the virus and other variants, including the ...
Several vaccines against bronchiolitis approved in Europe. The bronchiolitis virus is a common respiratory virus in babies and the elderly. It affects 90% of young children before the age of 24 months and can lead to hospitalizations and even deaths. The development of a vaccine against this virus ...
approved by US authorities to vaccinate the youngest. In mid-October 2021, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) review panel found that Pfizer's vaccines have more benefits than risks for 5-11 year olds. This vaccine has demonstrated 90.7% effectiveness in preventing symptomatic forms of the ...
ion of the vaccine booster rules, 19 million French people become eligible for a third dose. Olivier Véran has moreover assured that France has enough vaccines for everyone. According to the conclusions of the scientific authorities and in particular the High Authority of Health, this recall all ...
able to obtain a new vaccination certificate identical to the previous one, except for one detail! At the location 'Number of doses in a series of vaccines' (bottom right of the sheet), it says 2/1 instead of 2/2. This new wording makes it clear that you had an initial vaccination cycle with o ...
ated with sweat? In recent years, new therapeutic options have emerged such as targeted therapies, immunotherapies, internal radiation therapies and vaccines. All of these discoveries and innovations offer hope for the future. Practical information The Cancers exhibition is held from Septembe ...
ed to vaccinate: • newborns (BCG and hepatitis B) • women • people in the close entourage of the child or pregnant woman For adults, the vaccines concerned are DTP, MMR, HPV, hepatitis B, whooping cough, flu, and meningococcus C. Since March 2021, midwives also have the right to ...
als). In addition to physical exercise, the diet must be balanced (if possible, adapted to the effort provided). And let's not forget veterinary care: vaccines, deworming, antiparasitic treatments, etc. A healthy dog is more efficient and, above all, happier. 8. Maintaining balance: hunting and fa ...