Education and Training

Glasses without borders: the association that collects your old glasses

Education and Training

Have you ever thought of recycling your old glasses and giving them to people in need? The association Lunettes sans frontière was created in 1974 to collect pairs of glasses in good condition that are no longer suitable for their owners. We suggest you to discover this initiative in favour of all those who cannot get glasses.


The Pomodoro method or how to manage your time to be more productive

Education and Training

Despite its name, the Pomodoro ('tomato' in Italian) method has nothing to do with cooking or gardening. It is a time management method developed in Italy in the late 1980s. We invite you to discover this technique that helps you stay focused on the tasks at hand.


Wellness at work: 4 good reasons to put green plants in the office

Education and Training

After several weeks of teleworking due to health restrictions, some employees are reluctant to return to the office. What if the solution to making offices more inviting was to add some greenery? We've listed 4 good reasons to put green plants in the office.


My connected schoolbag: an initiative for hospitalized children

Education and Training

It's back to school time for millions of French schoolchildren. But did you know that every year, nearly 2 million children are hospitalized in France? Among them, 11,000 children are hospitalized, which keeps them away from school for several months. It is for them that the association Le Collectif has created the solitary device Mon cartable connecté. Explanations.


Education: how to help a girl's self-confidence?

Education and Training

If you have a daughter or daughters, you may be wondering what kind of education will help them feel comfortable in a world where gender inequality is, unfortunately, still a reality. Self-esteem is an essential asset for success in society and especially in professional life. We explain how to help a girl to have self-confidence from a young age.

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