Workplace Well-being: Slow Business In 5 Questions

Perhaps you have already heard of the slow life trend, which involves slowing down the daily pace to be happier. But did you know that this philosophy of slowness can be applied in all areas of life, including the world of work? We invite you to discover the concept of slow business in 5 questions.

What is slow business?

Generally, the world of work and business is associated with notions of profitability and speed. In contrast to this sometimes frenetic pace, slow business advocates for a more flexible management of work time, in order to improve efficiency and employee well-being.

However, it should be noted that this work organization, also known as slow entrepreneurship, does not aim to slow down the company's activity. The idea is to remain productive and efficient, but by adopting a more flexible pace and allowing for breaks.

The concept of slow business originates from where?

Like other aspects of the slow movement, slow business has emerged in response to the frenetic pace of our societies.

The workplace is particularly susceptible to the dictates of speed and productivity, with sometimes deleterious effects on employee health. Fatigue, stress, and burnout are still too common in companies, hence the interest in changing pace and model.

3- Why switch to slow business?

Contrary to what one might fear, slow business does not harm the company's performance. Usually, the opposite occurs, as more relaxed employees are also more productive.

This work organization also has the advantages of preventing burnout and allowing a better balance between professional and personal life. In summary, slowing down the pace improves well-being at work and helps to give more meaning to what we do.

4- What are the principles of slow business?

Slow business is based on the two fundamental principles of deceleration and detoxification.

Deceleration involves slowing down the pace or rather adopting new rhythms, in order to be reactive and quick when necessary and to enjoy the benefits of slowness the rest of the time. By alternating reactivity and deceleration, this way of working prevents burnout and keeps professional activity from becoming toxic.

The concept of detoxification is another essential facet of this philosophy. It entails removing disruptive elements related to modern technologies, such as calls, social media, and messages through emails or texts, from one's environment.

If the flow of all this information is not well managed and one spends their time glued to their smartphone, these otherwise useful technologies interrupt work periods. They become sources of distraction that harm employees' concentration and efficiency. That's why slow entrepreneurship advocates for working in time blocks, dedicating certain hours to production and others, clearly defined, to managing calls and messages.

5- How to implement slow business in one's company?

Slow business is not about working less but rather about working better by establishing new rules.

Specifically, this work organization can be reflected in:
- The possibility for employees to take several short breaks throughout the day.
- Organizing work into time blocks, to avoid multitasking and checking emails or smartphones every 5 minutes.
- Greater autonomy granted to employees through telecommuting or flexible hours, so that tasks are completed within a set timeframe but without unnecessary stress.
- Setting clear boundaries regarding working hours, so that the workday does not encroach on personal life.
- Seeking strategies to better manage time at work, such as the Pomodoro technique or automating the most time-consuming tasks.

Of course, the points listed above are merely food for thought. It is up to each company to analyze its work rhythms and adapt the principles of slow entrepreneurship to its own activities.

This organization, which assumes letting each employee work at their own pace, is based on trust. This may concern some managers or business owners, but facts prove that the trust given bears fruit.

Less stressed employees are absent less often. They are also more creative, more efficient, and more loyal to their company. All good reasons to rethink one's business in slow mode!

Author: Audrey
Copyright image: Pxhere
Tags: Well-being, deceleration, burnout, Entrepreneurship, detoxification, stress, philosophy, efficiency, interrupt, Concentration, multitasking, smartphones, fruit, listed, 5 minutes, food, Greater, autonomy, telecommuting, Smartphone, social media, slow Life, profitability, THE IDEA, productivity, HEALTH, fatigue, Switch, reactive, reactivity, toxic, facet, rethink,
In French: Bien-être au travail : le slow business en 5 questions
En español: Bienestar en el trabajo: el slow business en 5 preguntas
In italiano: Benessere sul lavoro: il slow business in 5 domande
Auf Deutsch: Wohlbefinden am Arbeitsplatz: Slow Business in 5 Fragen.
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