Alternative To Sugar: Yacon Syrup In 5 Questions

Among the alternatives to sugar, yacon syrup is the new trendy product. But what exactly is it? And is this sweetening product really good for your health? We invite you to discover the advantages and disadvantages of this new sweetener in 5 questions.

What is yacon syrup?

Yacon syrup is a new product that has appeared in the sweetener aisle alongside alternatives such as maple syrup, agave syrup, and coconut sugar. This sweetener, which has only been on the French market for a few months, gets its name from the yacon, a tuber native to Peru.

This vegetable, also known as the "earth pear," resembles a sweet potato. It can be eaten raw or cooked. It can also be turned into juice or syrup. In this latter form, it serves as a sugar substitute because its taste is very similar to that of honey.

2- What are the benefits of yacon syrup?

It's no coincidence that yacon syrup is currently generating buzz. This new product has numerous advantages over sugar as well as other sweeteners.

Consider the following:
• This syrup made from the earth pear is half as caloric as table sugar, coconut sugar, or agave syrup. It provides 197 calories per 100 g, compared to 397 calories for white sugar, 390 calories for coconut sugar, and 310 calories for agave syrup.

• It is the only sweetening product to contain fibers. This feature is interesting for two reasons: dietary fibers contribute to satiety and nourish the good bacteria that make up the gut microbiota.

• Last but not least, this syrup has a very low glycemic index. It doesn't spike blood sugar levels in the same way that sugar or other sweeteners do. Specifically, its glycemic index ranges between 1 and 10, compared to 15 for agave syrup, 55 for maple syrup, between 55 and 69 for honey, and 68 for white sugar!

For whom is yacon syrup recommended?

Due to its nutritional benefits, yacon syrup is particularly recommended for diabetic individuals, patients suffering from fatty liver disease, and anyone who is overweight or obese.

More broadly, this sweetening product is beneficial for everyone, as it provides fibers that nourish the intestinal microbiota and helps reduce sugar intake.

On average, the French consume about 35 kg of sugar per year. It is estimated that 20 to 30% of the French population consumes more than 100 g of sugar per day, while the national recommendations are 50 g of added sugars per day. To take care of one's health and prevent certain diseases like diabetes, it is urgent to learn to eat less sugar.

4- How to use yacon syrup?

Yacon syrup also has the advantage of being rather easy to use. To sweeten a yogurt or a cup of tea, just add a small spoonful. Once the jar is opened, it should be kept in the refrigerator.

This syrup can also be used in baking to make healthier cakes, as it retains a large portion of its fibers during cooking.

Note: When purchasing, it is important to check the product composition and fiber content. True yacon syrup, not mixed with any other sweetening product, contains more than 50% fiber. In France, the most well-known brand is Yacon&Co, whose founders participated in the show "Qui veut être mon associé?"

What are the disadvantages of yacon syrup?

The main drawback of yacon syrup is its price. This product appears to have only health benefits but it can hurt... your wallet!

On the Yacon&Co website, a 220g jar is sold for €9.90. You can also find it in organic stores like Biocoop and Naturalia at an equally high price... At Biocoop, a 250g jar costs €11.75.

If consumer interest in this sweetener continues, it could soon make its debut in supermarkets at a more competitive price.

Author: Audrey
Copyright image: Peakpx
Tags: syrup, Yacon, sugar, sweetener, agave syrup, sweetening, calories, jar, coconut sugar, price, HEALTH, maple syrup, French, sweeteners, honey, Pear, white sugar, fiber, spoonful, tea, yogurt, sugars, diabetes, refrigerator, baking, France, brand, mon, organic, consumer, supermarkets, intestinal microbiota, obese, overweight, aisle, French market, Tuber, Peru, vegetable, sweet potato, Juice, taste, caloric, table sugar, satiety, bacteria, gut microbiota, blood sugar, diabetic, fatty liver disease,
In French: Alternative au sucre : le sirop de yacon en 5 questions
En español: Alternativa al azúcar: el sirope de yacón en 5 preguntas
In italiano: Alternative allo zucchero: lo sciroppo di yacon in 5 domande
Auf Deutsch: Alternative zu Zucker: Yacon Sirup in 5 Fragen
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