Nutrition: 3 Tips To Avoid Gaining Weight In Summer

In summer, vacations and outings are often synonymous with weight gain, between aperitifs with friends, barbecues, picnics, and other feasts. If you fear that the summer season will ruin the efforts you've made throughout the rest of the year, discover our 3 tips to avoid gaining weight in summer.

1- Beware of appetizers

Ah, the pleasure of having a little glass of rosé in the shade of a parasol! While the glass of rosé itself is not overly excessive (with its approximately 80 Kcal), the peanuts or chips that often accompany it represent more than 500 calories per 100 g...

Therefore, the first tip for not gaining weight in the summer is to be particularly vigilant at aperitif time. If you are invited, moderate your alcohol consumption and accompany your drink with the lightest foods on the table (nibble on cherry tomatoes rather than salted biscuits).

If you are organizing this type of aperitif, prioritize homemade options: a savory cake, a Fougasse, or a homemade Pissaladière are generally less caloric than industrial appetizers.

Also offer raw vegetables, light and refreshing: slices of melon, verrines of oriental-style Taboulé or cucumber with light cream, raw vegetables to dip in a fromage blanc sauce, etc.

2- Track bad fats

One might think that in summer the heat encourages us to eat less or lighter... But that's not the case because many of the foods we love during vacation are very fatty!

Here are a few examples of summer star foods that are not light at all:
=> lamb chops and grilled sausages on the barbecue.
=> summer salads when drenched in sauces or vinaigrette.
=> ice creams sometimes enriched with whipped cream, chocolate coating, hazelnut pieces, or waffle cones.

Since it's out of the question to deprive ourselves of all the season's pleasures, the second tip to avoid gaining weight in summer is to "trade". By that, I mean: replace the fattiest foods with lighter alternatives that are just as satisfying in terms of taste.

For your summer barbecues:
=> replace fatty meats (lamb) with lean meats like beef tenderloin, chicken, or turkey.

=> enhance the taste with marinades made from lemon, soy sauce, olive oil, and spices or fresh herbs like rosemary, thyme, or basil.

For your salads:
=> combine vegetables of all colors, it's excellent for health.

=> moderate the amount of oil: if you tend to "pour" the bottle of olive oil into the salad bowl, measure the right amount to use with a tablespoon.

=> use herbs and spices without moderation; it's a good tip for seasoning your summer salads (and many dishes) without increasing the calorie intake.

For desserts:
=> prefer sorbets or frozen yogurt over ice creams.

=> if you choose a high-calorie flavor at the ice cream shop (cream-based, chocolate, etc.), skip the cone and ask for a cup.

=> highlight fruits by making fruit salads or ice cream sundaes with plenty of fresh fruits as toppings (it's less fatty and sugary than store-bought syrups).

3- Listen to your body

The above tips about alcohol and fatty foods can help you limit the calories consumed during festive occasions such as appetizers or barbecues with friends. But they will be ineffective if you do not listen to your feelings of hunger and fullness.

With the inherent relaxation of holidays, it is perfectly normal to let go and even "indulge" a bit in food... The third tip for not gaining weight in summer is therefore to listen to your body.

Rather than feeling guilty every time you eat a pizza or ice cream, the best attitude to adopt is to savor the food to better satisfy yourself.

To do this:

=> eat slowly.

=> chew well and appreciate what you eat.

=> listen to your body and your sensations of hunger.

=> stop eating as soon as you are full.

This method, called mindful eating, is said to be more effective than restrictive diets for staying slim. So why not take advantage of the holidays to put it into practice? Take your time and enjoy your summer!

Author: Audrey
Copyright image: Max Pixel
Tags: summer, Listen, Ice cream, light, Olive oil, taste, alcohol, apéritif, hunger, Chocolate, ice, food, calories, glass, rose, spices, thyme, fresh herbs, basil, soy sauce, marinades, Turkey, chicken, beef tenderloin, rosemary, HEALTH, oil, bottle, BIT, relaxation, perfectly normal, syrups, fruit salads, cone, skip, flavor, frozen yogurt, calorie, seasoning, Herbs, tablespoon, pizza, hazelnut, Fougasse, cake, savory, biscuits, salted, cherry tomatoes, nibble,
In French: Nutrition : 3 astuces pour ne pas grossir en été
En español: Nutrición: 3 consejos para no engordar en verano
In italiano: Nutrizione: 3 consigli per non ingrassare in estate
Auf Deutsch: Ernährung: 3 Tipps, um im Sommer nicht zuzunehmen
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