World Vegan Month: Veganism Month In November

More and more people are choosing to stop consuming meat for health or ethical reasons. If you are already vegetarian or flexitarian, November is an opportunity to explore the vegan lifestyle. This month has indeed been designated as "World Vegan Month" by the Vegan Society. The goal? To encourage the general public to eat vegan for 30 days.

A month to discover veganism

Did you know that World Vegan Day is celebrated every year on November 1st? This date was chosen as it commemorates the founding of the Vegan Society in November 1944.

It also marks the beginning of World Vegan Month.

Throughout November, vegan associations challenge interested individuals to eat vegan for 30 days to try out this lifestyle and perhaps adopt it more long-term.

What is the vegan lifestyle?

As a reminder, veganism is a lifestyle that goes beyond simply being vegetarian or vegan.

Being Vegan involves excluding all animal products from one's diet, as well as in clothing, cosmetics, and household products.

Vegans do not eat meat, fish, seafood, eggs, cheese, milk, or honey. They do not wear leather or wool and, of course, ban beauty products tested on animals.

Why become vegan?

Increasingly popular, the vegan lifestyle can be adopted for different reasons.

The main motivations of veganism supporters are:

• Ethical: disgust at animal suffering, concern for defending animal rights, and a desire not to exploit or kill animals for our consumption alone.

• Ecological: concern for preserving the planet, its forests, oceans, and water resources. Indeed, the production of animal products generates more pollution than transportation (18%). Furthermore, it takes five times more water to feed a meat-eater than to feed a vegan. Livestock farming (mainly cattle) is also responsible for 60% of global deforestation, while overfishing devastates the oceans.

• Health-related: meat is now recognized as carcinogenic. The incidence of cancers is partly linked to the increase in our meat consumption, which has multiplied by 5 in 50 years. More and more people are adopting a vegan diet for health reasons, convinced that this diet without animal products is both healthier and easier to digest.

How to participate in Veganism Month?

If you're curious about discovering veganism or eager to introduce this lifestyle to others, you can participate in World Vegan Month.

During the month of November, you can:

• Try to take on the 30-day vegan diet challenge, especially if you're already vegetarian.

Taste vegan cuisine at a vegan or vegetarian restaurant near you.

Cook a vegan meal for your friends by picking recipes from the Internet.

• Treat yourself to a plant-based cookbook to discover all the culinary possibilities with plant-based products.

Even though this event mainly attracts vegetarians or flexitarians looking to deepen their approach, Vegan Month is open to everyone.

Don't miss this opportunity to discover a new way of eating and cooking! Plant-based recipes allow you to vary your menus, discover new flavors, and find numerous alternatives to meat.

You will find more information, ideas, and recipes on the website below.

Author: Audrey
Copyright image: FMT
Tags: vegan, Veganism, Diet, vegetarian, meat, animal products, HEALTH, plant-based, Deforestation, cattle, farming, livestock, water, pollution, water resources, planet, Overfishing, carcinogenic, flexitarians, vegetarians, culinary, cookbook, Internet, restaurant, vegan cuisine, meat consumption, consumption, animal rights, animal suffering, vegans, cosmetics, clothing, flexitarian, 30 days, Vegan Society, World Vegan Day, The GOAL, fish, seafood, disgust, beauty products, wool, leather, honey, Milk, Cheese, eggs, ethical,
More informations:
In French: World Vegan Month : le mois du véganisme en novembre
En español: Mes Mundial del Veganismo: el mes del veganismo en noviembre
In italiano: Mese Mondiale Vegan: il mese del veganismo a novembre
Auf Deutsch: Weltvegantag: der Monat des Veganismus im November
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