Eggplant Fritters: An Easy Recipe

Eggplant fritters, light and crispy, are one of the delights of summer. We offer you an easy recipe to successfully make these fritters, to be served as an appetizer or starter, accompanied by a yogurt and mint sauce.


Here are the ingredients needed to prepare Eggplant Fritters for 4 people:

1 firm eggplant.
3 tablespoons of flour.
1 teaspoon of baking powder.
2 eggs.
1 pinch of turmeric.
1 pinch of cumin.
salt and pepper.
grapeseed oil for cooking.
1 Greek yogurt.
1 bunch of mint.
a pinch of garlic powder.

Cutting the eggplant

To prepare eggplant fritters, you need to cut this vegetable into very thin slices. Be careful: if you cut the slices too thick, they will remain raw inside the fritter batter!

1- Wash and dry the eggplant.

2- Cut off the ends.

3- Slice the eggplant into 2 to 3 mm thick slices.

There is no need to peel the eggplant or to salt the slices to draw out moisture.

Preparation of the dough for donuts

For this eggplant fritters recipe, I suggest you discover a very easy version of the batter.

1- Whisk the whole eggs in a bowl. Add salt and pepper.

2- Add the flour and baking powder by sifting them.

3- Season the batter with turmeric and ground cumin.

4- If the batter seems too thick, add a little cold water, but do not dilute it too much.

It is not necessary to let the batter rest.

Preparation of the yogurt sauce

Prepare the yogurt-based sauce before cooking the eggplant fritters.

1- Wash and dry about fifteen mint leaves.

2- Finely chop the mint.

3- Mix the Greek yogurt with the chopped mint leaves.

4- Season to taste with salt, pepper, and garlic powder.

5- Mix well and keep in the fridge.

Donut cooking

For all savory or sweet donut recipes, I recommend using grape seed oil which withstands high temperatures well.

1- Heat the grape seed oil in a deep fryer or a simple pan.

2- Dip the eggplant slices one by one into the batter and plunge them into the hot oil.

3- Cook the donuts for about 2 minutes on each side, until they are puffed up and golden brown.

4- Once they have a nice color, drain the donuts with a skimmer and place them gradually in a deep dish lined with paper towels.

Tasting tips

Serve the Eggplant Fritters hot or warm, with the chilled yogurt and mint sauce.

The contrast of temperature and texture is truly delicious.

Author: Audrey
Copyright image: Audrey Vautherot
Tags: eggplant, fritters, batter, donuts, yogurt, Pinch, mint leaves, Grape seed oil, greek yogurt, sauce, cumin, turmeric, flour, Baking powder, eggs, golden brown, temperature, paper, taste, garlic powder, savory, deep dish, Deep fryer, hot oil, skimmer, water, COLD, light, summer, teaspoon, grapeseed oil, garlic, vegetable, Be careful, fritter, Slice, Peel, dough, whisk, texture,
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