Forest Pizza With Chanterelles: An Autumn Recipe
For a change from Regina pizza, why not try a recipe for chanterelle forest pizza? These woodland mushrooms have a mild flavour that the whole family can enjoy. Here's an easy recipe that may help your kids love wild mushrooms.
Here are the ingredients needed to make a chanterelle forest pizza for 6 people:
a rectangular pizza dough
2 small cans of tomato pulp
125 g of chanterelles
3 slices of cooked ham
a ball of mozzarella
2 handfuls of grated Grana Padano cheese
garlic powder
olive oil
salt and pepper
To make this forest pizza with chanterelles, start by preparing a homemade tomato sauce:
1- Heat a drizzle of olive oil in a large pan.
2- Add the tomato pulp, then season it with garlic, parsley, salt and pepper.
3- Let the sauce reduce uncovered for at least 20 minutes.
1- Unroll the pizza dough on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper.
2- Arrange strips of cooked ham on the dough, then cover with the homemade tomato sauce.
3- Sprinkle the pizza with Grana Padano cheese and then sprinkle the chanterelles on top.

Copyright: Audrey Vautherot
4- Cut the mozzarella into thin slices and arrange them at regular intervals on your chanterelle forest pizza. Sprinkle with dried parsley.

Copyright : Audrey Vautherot
1- Preheat your oven to 180°C.
2- Bake the chanterelle forest pizza for about 25 minutes until the mozzarella is toasted and the edges of the dough are golden brown.

Copyright: Audrey Vautherot
3- Serve this pizza cut into squares and accompanied by a green salad.

Copyright: Audrey Vautherot