The Tortilla With Chips: A Very Easy Recipe

Do you love potato tortilla? You don't make it often because you find that preparing the potatoes takes too much time? With this tortilla chips recipe, we will show you how to make the easiest tortilla in the world! Thanks to this little secret ingredient, it becomes very easy to succeed in making this Spanish specialty in no time.


Here are the ingredients needed to prepare a tortilla with chips for 2 people:

4 eggs.
3 or 4 handfuls of chips.
1 white onion or 2 spring onions.
2 tablespoons of olive oil.

Preparation of ingredients

The tortilla with chips is the easiest and fastest potato tortilla recipe you can imagine.

By using chips instead of potatoes, preparing this omelet becomes a breeze. There's no need to peel, cut, and cook the potatoes, which saves a significant amount of time.

However, to maintain the taste of traditional Spanish tortilla, I recommend enhancing your preparation with a white onion or spring onions lightly sautéed in the pan.

Peel the onion and remove its germ if necessary, then finely slice it as shown in the following photo.

If you wish, you can also season this tortilla with Espelette pepper and/or fresh herbs, such as chopped parsley or chives.

Cooking the onion

1- Heat the olive oil in a pan over medium heat.

2- Add the sliced white onion and sauté for about 5 minutes, without browning.

3- The onion is ready when it is translucent. Turn off the heat while you prepare the next steps of the recipe.

Preparation of the tortilla

Once the onions are ready, the preparation of the tortilla with chips is very quick.

1- Whisk the whole eggs in a large bowl.

2- Roughly break the chips with your hands before adding them to the beaten egg.

3- If desired, season the mixture with a bit of Espelette pepper and chopped parsley or chives.

Cooking the tortilla with chips

To cook the tortilla with chips, simply use the pan in which you sautéed the onions.

1- Place the pan back on high heat.

2- Pour in the egg and potato chip mixture.

3- Cook the tortilla for about 3 minutes over medium heat, until the first side is set and you can lift it from the pan with a wooden spatula.

4- Flip the tortilla using a plate and place it back in the hot pan.

5- Cook for another 2 minutes on the other side, until your omelet is nicely browned.

Note: Unlike French omelets, Spanish tortillas are not served runny. You can serve this tortilla warm or cold. You can also cut it into squares and skewer them with wooden picks for an appetizer.

Author: Audrey
Copyright image: Audrey Vautherot
Tags: tortilla, Onion, heat, Spanish, Potatoes, onions, parsley, sautéed, egg, Peel, Omelet, spring onions, potato, eggs, whisk, BIT, potato chip, Lift, spatula, browned, French, omelets, tortillas, COLD, secret ingredient, Translucent, Olive, taste, germ, fresh herbs, Olive oil, LOVE, Sauté, 5 minutes, browning, The Onion, skewer,
In French: La tortilla aux chips : une recette très facile
En español: La tortilla con patatas fritas: una receta muy fácil
In italiano: La tortilla con patatine: una ricetta molto facile
Auf Deutsch: Das Tortilla mit Chips: ein sehr einfaches Rezept
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