Verbena Panna Cotta: An Easy Recipe

Panna cotta is an easy-to-make Italian specialty. This creamy dessert, traditionally served with a red fruit coulis, can be flavored with a spice like vanilla or with an aromatic herb. I suggest you discover the recipe for verbena panna cotta.


Here are the ingredients needed to prepare verbena panna cotta for 4 people:

50 cl of whole liquid cream.
3 handfuls of dried verbena leaves.
60 g of sugar.
3 gelatin sheets.

Preparation of verbena cream

To prepare this recipe for verbena panna cotta, simply infuse the dried leaves of this plant in the heavy cream.

1- Pour the heavy cream into a saucepan.

2- Add the dried verbena leaves.

3- Heat this mixture until it simmers.

4- When the cream starts to simmer, turn off the heat, cover the saucepan, and let it infuse for 10 minutes.

Preparation of gelatin

Gelatin is an essential ingredient for setting verbena panna cotta.

1- Prepare a bowl of cold water.

2- Soak the gelatin sheets in the water for about 5 minutes.

Note: The gelatin sheets are ready to be incorporated into your preparation when they become soft as shown in the following photo.

Preparation of verbena panna cotta

1- When the dried verbena leaves have infused well, strain the cream into a container using a chinois.

2- Pour the verbena-flavored cream back into the saucepan.

3- Add the sugar and bring the mixture to a boil while stirring.

4- As soon as the cream boils, remove the saucepan from the heat and add the squeezed gelatin leaves.

5- Mix well until the gelatin is completely dissolved.

Setting time

1- Divide the mixture among 4 ramekins.

2- Let cool to room temperature before placing the ramekins in the refrigerator.

3- Chill the verbena panna cotta for at least 4 hours.

Note: If possible, prepare this dessert the day before and let it set in the refrigerator overnight.

Tasting tips

You can serve the verbena panna cotta with a red fruit coulis.

However, some people prefer to eat this panna cotta without the coulis to better appreciate the subtle taste of lemon verbena.

I therefore recommend offering the red fruit coulis on the side, so that each guest can add as much or as little as they like, or none at all.

Author: Audrey
Copyright image: Audrey Vautherot
Tags: verbena, Panna Cotta, Gelatin, Cream, leaves, Coulis, saucepan, fruit, heat, heavy cream, sugar, dessert, refrigerator, water, container, taste, strain, boil, room temperature, 5 minutes, COLD, simmer, plant, liquid, herb, Vanilla, Spice, Italian, lemon verbena,
In French: La panna cotta à la verveine : une recette facile
En español: La panna cotta de verbena: una receta fácil
In italiano: La panna cotta alla verbena: una ricetta facile
Auf Deutsch: Panna Cotta mit Eisenkraut: ein einfaches Rezept
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