Gastroenteritis: Symptoms And Remedies
Gastroenteritis is an acute digestive disorder that causes nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps and diarrhea. Each year, this disease is responsible for more than one million visits to the doctor. This digestive disorder, which is generally benign, can cause dehydration in infants.
Symptoms of gastroenteritis
Gastroenteritis (not to be confused with stomach flu) is an inflammatory infection usually caused by bacteria or a virus.
The symptoms of the disease, which can vary from person to person, are diarrhea often accompanied by vomiting, abdominal cramps, headache, and fever flare-ups.
The main complication to be feared is dehydration of the body, especially in infants and young children or the elderly.
Preventive measures
When a family member has gastroenteritis, there are simple Steps you can take to help prevent the Spread of the disease:
- Wash your hands before preparing meals
- Wash your hands before eating
- Wash your hands after using the bathroom
- Do not drink from the glasses of sick people or share their cutlery.
To be noted: for people who eat outside at lunchtime, in canteens or university restaurants, it is advisable to wash hands with hydro-alcoholic solutions sold in pharmacies in the form of liquid gels. This type of product is convenient to use because it dries by itself, without rinsing.
Remedies for gastroenteritis
Most people recover on their own within a few days without special treatment.
Simply rest and not eating or drinking while the vomiting lasts to allow the digestive system to recover.
You should then drink a lot, but in small sips to rehydrate (one to two liters per day).
Favour water, infusions, Tea black or vegetable broth but avoid fruit juices, alcohol or carbonated drinks (including Coke).
The Phytotherapy remedies for gastroenteritis are: the Tea highly brewed black tea against diarrhea, infusions of true chamomile, lemon balm and Mint against nausea.
Once the nausea is gone, you can gradually return to a solid diet.
Copyright: stevepb
What diet to follow after a gastroenteritis?
After a gastroenteritis, avoid dairy products and eggs as well as vegetable fibres (fruits and vegetables) for a few days.
Prefer starchy foods (pasta or Rice plain very cooked with a little butter) and lean meats (ham, chicken breast).
This no-residue diet allows the gut to rest for 2 or 3 days.