Health: 5 Tips To Extend The Benefits Of Vacation

The summer holidays are over and, with the approach of the new school year, do you already feel your wonderful energy draining away? Don't let the hectic work pace dissipate the beneficial effects of your vacation! Here are 5 easy tips to put into practice to extend the benefits of your holidays.

1- Keep getting some fresh air

After holidays often spent outdoors, it is difficult to lock yourself back in an office.

To prolong the benefits of the holidays, take advantage of the Indian summer! September still offers beautiful days, so don't hesitate to go out during your lunch break to enjoy every ray of sunshine!

Also plan outdoor walks and sports outings on the weekends to get as much fresh air as possible. Outdoor sports will help you recharge and face your weekly tasks more calmly.

2- Doing sports

Nothing beats the thirty minutes of physical activity per day recommended by official guidelines to stay fit and in good spirits all year long. If you stayed active during your vacation, keep up the momentum by joining a club in the new school year!

Whether you choose relaxing activities (like yoga or Pilates) or high-energy ones (such as aquagym or zumba), sports are an excellent way to extend the benefits of your vacation.

Choose an activity you enjoy to ensure you stick to your New Year's resolutions for the long term.

3- Taking care of your sleep

During the holidays, between evenings with friends, sleeping in, and afternoon naps, your sleep schedule may have been completely disrupted. This could partly explain why fatigue catches up with you upon your return.

To remedy this, you simply need to get back to your usual routine, by going to bed and waking up at fixed times. Allow yourself good nights of sleep: it is essential to prolong the benefits of the holidays and start the new term on the right foot!

Don't forget that exposing yourself to natural light during the day, by spending at least 20 minutes outside, also helps you sleep better at night. So, follow our tip number 1!

4- Eating balanced

During your vacation, you may have indulged in some food excesses, as conviviality requires! Summer is the season for aperitifs and barbecues with friends and small pleasures such as ice cream...

To regain your (ideal) weight, there's no need to go on a strict diet. The best solution is to eat balanced meals! Take advantage of the new school year to adopt good habits like planning weekly menus and going to the market on weekends to stock up on fruits and vegetables.

To extend the benefits of the holidays, don't settle for a sandwich eaten in 5 minutes in front of your computer. Bring real, balanced meals to the office, for example, leftovers from the delicious meals you cooked over the weekend... You can also follow our tips for eating healthily at work (see the article opposite).

5- Redecorate the house

Finally, if returning home feels burdensome, take advantage of the new season to change your surroundings and redecorate your interior.

Draw inspiration from your last destination, such as Provence, Morocco, or Greece, to brighten up your home. It will be easier if you brought back some local crafts from your travels.

To extend the benefits of your vacation, you can also hang some of your best vacation photos on the walls (at home or in the office)! There's nothing like it to boost your mood and remember the good times while waiting for your next holiday!

Author: Audrey
Copyright image: Pexels
Tags: sleep, sports, fresh air, stock, market, Vacation, Diet, Ideal, Ice cream, sandwich, 5 minutes, computer, leftovers, article, Provence, Morocco, Greece, Brighten, apéritifs, food, light, summer, energy, lock, Indian summer, Ray, physical activity, momentum, yoga, pilates, Zumba, resolutions, fatigue, catches, Don't forget, mood,
In French: Santé : 5 astuces pour prolonger les bienfaits des vacances
En español: Salud: 5 consejos para prolongar los beneficios de las vacaciones
In italiano: Salute: 5 consigli per prolungare i benefici delle vacanze
Auf Deutsch: Gesundheit: 5 Tipps, um die Vorteile des Urlaubs zu verlängern
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