Sport, Nutrition, Treatment: 5 Tips For A Healthy Autumn

As soon as the days shorten and the weather cools down, our beautiful energy inherited from the holidays already seems to be waning. With the return to school and the change of season, depression and stress loom over us. Fortunately, this slight drop in morale is not inevitable. To remedy it, here are 5 tips for a healthy autumn.

1- Get organized

During this back-to-school period when numerous obligations overwhelm us, it is more necessary than ever to be well-organized to have a healthy and vibrant autumn.

Contrary to what one might think, being organized is not an additional constraint but a liberation. Indeed, it is the best way to make life easier and save time.

Do not hesitate to make lists: all the information you note down will be as many data points that no longer clutter your brain. Once something is noted, you can afford not to think about it anymore, since you no longer risk forgetting it. You keep your energy and mental space for other activities.

2- Allow yourself breaks and small pleasures

Even if you feel overwhelmed, don't hesitate to take breaks. Breaks are not a waste of time. At work or at home, we are more efficient when we take the time to relax for a few minutes between tasks.

During the day, as soon as you feel fatigue or stress taking over, stop for five minutes to breathe deeply, practicing abdominal breathing if you can. Breathing well is the simplest and most accessible method to relieve stress and quickly regain energy.

To stay in good shape this fall, also consider scheduling some time just for yourself to engage in your favorite hobbies or simply enjoy some cocooning! The simple little pleasures are one of the most effective remedies to counteract gloominess and re-enchant your daily life.

3- Taking care of your diet

To be in great shape, there's no mystery: you also need to take care of your sleep and diet. In autumn, we often feel the urge to go to bed earlier. In this case, it's better not to fight against sleep. By going to bed when your body demands it, you'll wake up more rested the next day.

Regarding diet, autumn is the time to eat more cooked and warm foods than in summer, for example by preparing soups and using plenty of energy-boosting spices like cinnamon, ginger, and chili.

Favor seasonal fruits and vegetables like pumpkin, grapes, pears, and mirabelles, but don't forget proteins! Animal proteins (meat, fish, shellfish, eggs, shellfish, or dairy products) or plant-based proteins (hummus, lentils, white beans, red beans) are essential for physical and mental well-being.

With your doctor's approval, you might consider taking a vitamin D, vitamin C, or iodine supplement as these nutrients directly affect health and fatigue. However, it's not mandatory, as a balanced diet can also provide these nutrients. And what's better than a Mirabelle tart to fight the surrounding gloom?

4- Taking care of your body

Summer is the season when our bodies receive all our attention because they are exposed to view and we have more time to take care of them. To enjoy a healthy autumn, it is essential not to neglect your body just because it is hidden under layers of clothing.

On the contrary, taking care of yourself is good for morale. Massaging yourself or getting a massage at a spa is an excellent way to relax. Pampering your hair with home treatments or at the hairdresser's is also very important during this season synonymous with hair loss...

And above all, it is recommended to practice gentle group activities such as gentle gymnastics, yoga, Pilates, stretching, qi gong, or tai chi to release endorphins, the hormones of well-being, and feel both more relaxed and more energetic.

5- Enjoy nature

Another way to recharge and rejuvenate is to reconnect with nature.

Even if you live in the city, you can put this advice into practice by taking a walk in a public garden or park during your lunch break. There's nothing like getting some fresh air and soaking in the autumn colors.

On weekends, take advantage of nearby natural sites to stroll either by the sea or in the forest. The Japanese have made forest walks a true autumn ritual. For a healthy autumn, follow their example!

Author: Audrey
Copyright image: Gustavo Fring on Pexels
Tags: Diet, stress, proteins, Well-being, sleep, nutrients, fatigue, energy, shellfish, tart, Vitamin C, Spa, Iodine, massage, meat, HEALTH, balanced diet, clothing, mirabelle, Hair, hairdresser, Japanese, autumn colors, fresh air, CITY, Enjoy, Hormones, endorphins, Tai, Qi Gong, pilates, yoga, Gymnastics, hair loss, ritual, Vitamin D, red beans, breathing, abdominal breathing, waste, forgetting, brain, Clutter, constraint, back-to-school, Loom, depression, shorten, cocooning, mystery,
In French: Sport, alimentation, cure : 5 conseils pour un automne en pleine forme
En español: Deporte, alimentación, cura: 5 consejos para un otoño en plena forma
In italiano: Sport, alimentazione, cure: 5 consigli per un autunno in piena forma
Auf Deutsch: Sport, Ernährung, Kur: 5 Tipps für einen gesunden Herbst
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