Catnip: Everything You Need To Know About This Herb That Cats Love

Did you know that there are not just one but several species of cat grass? This term refers to young shoots of grasses that your domestic feline can eat, but also to a euphoric plant that cats love: catnip! Here is everything you need to know about this plant in 5 questions.

1- What is cats' favorite herb?

The most well-known and appreciated variety of catnip by felines is catnip, also called catnip or Nepeta cataria.

It is an aromatic plant that grows wild in rocky soils.

This perennial plant, which reaches a height of 20 to 30 cm, is also nicknamed “cat mint” because of its smell.

2- What is the effect of catnip on cats?

Unlike young shoots of grasses or barley that cats eat to cleanse themselves, catnip is not a type of plant that your feline will nibble on.

He will surely prefer to smell it and roll in it to adopt its scent. Moreover, the fragrance of this plant exerts an almost irresistible attraction on cats!

3- Is catnip dangerous for cats?

You may have already heard that catnip or cat herb makes domestic felines a bit crazy…

It is true that cats' reactions to this aromatic plant can surprise humans. If you put your cat in front of a Nepeta cataria plant, you will probably see it rubbing against the plant, rolling on the ground, or starting to run.

But don't worry! This plant is not toxic and poses no danger to your pet's health. Moreover, its euphoric effect dissipates after a few minutes.

4- Is catnip beneficial for cats?

Catnip has both a euphoric and relaxing effect on cats. The mechanism that triggers this reaction in domestic felines is not precisely known.

However, it is believed that the scent of this cat herb is associated with courtship behavior in adult cats, as catnip has no effect on kittens and older cats.

As a cat owner, this plant can be useful in certain situations:
• to help your pet relax before a visit to the vet, for example
• to stimulate the playful instinct in a lazy cat.

5- How to use catnip?

To use catnip properly, one must not confuse two main types of herbs for cats:
• Young grass shoots that aid in the digestion and elimination of hairballs in domestic felines.
• Catnip, which has a euphoric and relaxing effect on cats.

You can grow the first type of herb for your cat to eat to prevent intestinal blockage.

On the other hand, the second type of herb has a completely different use. It is most often used to attract your cat's attention to a specific spot. You can rub this plant:
• On its scratching post to encourage it to use it instead of scratching your furniture.
• Inside its carrier bag to make it more relaxed during a visit to the vet or a trip.

Caution: Do not expose your cat to this plant every day, otherwise, it will become insensitive to it.

Finally, note that you can plant this perennial herb in a sunny corner of your garden to attract cats to that spot and keep them away from your vegetable garden or flowers…

Author: Audrey
Copyright image: "T"eresa on Flickr
Tags: catnip, plant, herb, euphoric, felines, smell, scent, pet, Nepeta cataria, vet, aromatic plant, grass, Feline, Grasses, Herbs, hairballs, intestinal blockage, scratching, furniture, LOVE, carrier bag, Caution, perennial, instinct, Cats, perennial plant, barley, nibble, fragrance, BIT, toxic, species, HEALTH, vegetable garden,
In French: La cataire : tout savoir sur cette herbe que les chats adorent
En español: La hierba gatera: todo lo que necesitas saber sobre esta planta que los gatos adoran
In italiano: L'erba gatta: tutto quello che c'è da sapere su questa pianta che i gatti adorano
Auf Deutsch: Katzenminze: Alles, was Sie über dieses Kraut wissen müssen, das Katzen lieben
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