Does Hair Grow Faster In The Summer?

You may have heard that hair grows faster in the summer. But is this a scientific truth or just a myth? Are body hairs also affected by this summer growth? Here are the answers to the beauty questions you ask yourself every summer.

Does hair really grow faster in summer?

When it comes to hair growth, it's not always easy to separate fact from fiction! Indeed, the speed of hair growth depends on many factors.

It is influenced by diet, hormonal variations, stress, and fatigue, but also by age and seasons... Did you know that stress can disrupt the hair growth cycle? Or that our hair grows more slowly as we age?

Seasons and especially temperatures do indeed have a direct influence on hair growth. If you feel like your mane has gained a few centimeters during the summer season, you're right. Hair grows faster in summer and it's not just an optical illusion!

Why does hair grow faster when it's hot?

If you have noticed that your hair has grown longer in recent months, you may be wondering what the cause of this phenomenon is.

It is not the time of year that stimulates hair growth but rather the summer weather conditions. Sunlight and heat are two factors that boost hair growth by activating blood circulation.

The scientific explanation for this phenomenon is vasodilation. Under the effect of heat, blood vessels dilate, and blood flow increases to the scalp.

This leads to better oxygenation and better nutrient supply to the hair follicles. The result: keratin production is stimulated, and hair grows faster. As a reminder, keratin is the protein that makes up 95% of the hair fiber.

Do hair also grow faster in the summer?

You may have already noticed it when you depilate: hair is not the only thing affected by this summer growth. In summer, it is all our body hair that is stimulated by heat and sunlight! Hair grows faster, body hair too, and even nails seem to grow at an accelerated pace during this season...

Again, this is not an optical illusion. This phenomenon is easy to explain since keratin constitutes the matrix of hair, body hair, and nails. It is a fibrous protein essential for the growth and health of these parts of the body, also known as phane.

Why don't I see a difference?

Hair grows faster in the summer, at least in theory… Since many factors contribute to hair growth, this accelerated growth in summer can be very modest for some people.

As the influence of summer heat on hair varies from one individual to another, you shouldn't expect miracles.

To have beautiful long hair in the summer, it's better not to rely on this single factor and instead adopt proper care practices such as:
• protecting your hair from the sun with a hair mist or protective oil.
• carefully removing salt, sand, or chlorine residues after each swim in the sea or pool with a gentle and nourishing shampoo.
• hydrating and repairing the hair fiber by using a conditioner with every wash and applying a repairing mask to the lengths and ends once a week.

Even though summer is the right season to let your hair grow, don't forget that excessive sun exposure can make it dry and brittle. To avoid dramatic hair loss in the fall, now is the time to protect and nourish your hair.

Author: Audrey
Copyright image: Sisko1701
Tags: Hair, summer, hair growth, heat, body hair, keratin, nails, sunlight, optical illusion, stress, fiber, hair loss, HEALTH, brittle, theory, Miracles, rely, Sun, mist, oil, sand, Chlorine, residues, sun exposure, lengths, mask, conditioner, Shampoo, MATRIX, protein, myth, beauty, fiction, Diet, hormonal, fatigue, blood circulation, scientific explanation, Vasodilation, blood vessels, dilate, blood flow, scalp, oxygenation, nutrient, hair follicles, truth,
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