My Prevention Report: How Does It Work?

As part of the Mon bilan prévention program, nearly 21 million French people will receive an invitation in their email inbox to make an appointment with a healthcare professional. But what does this preventive medical visit involve and, most importantly, is it free? We offer you an understanding through 5 questions.

1- What is My Prevention Assessment?

is a program implemented by the Ministry of Health and Health Insurance to .

The Ministry of Health has decided to make prevention its main focus in order to reduce the expenses of our healthcare system. With the overall aging of the French population, chronic diseases weigh heavily on the Health Insurance budget. They affect after the age of 65.

To raise public awareness about screening and better guide patients of all ages in their healthcare journey, the Ministry of Health invites nearly 21 million French people to with a healthcare professional. Since September 9, 2024, it has launched a nationwide communication campaign on this theme.

2- Who is concerned by My Prevention Assessment?

The "Mon bilan prévention" device was announced in 2022 by the President of the Republic and then experimented in the Hauts-de-France region between October and December 2023 for those aged 45-50.

It is now deployed nationwide for different age groups:
• 18-25 years old
• 45-50 years old
• 60-65 years old
• 70-75 years old

At each of these stages of life, this medical visit offers the opportunity to review lifestyle habits and address issues such as diet, sleep, physical activity, mental health, violence, sexual health, and vaccination.

For seniors, this check-up aims to identify and treat potential chronic diseases, such as diabetes or high blood pressure, but also to prevent loss of autonomy.

3- How to do My prevention assessment?

You may benefit from My Prevention Assessment if you have received an invitation from Health Insurance by email.

In practice, you must make an appointment with a volunteer healthcare professional to participate in this program. This assessment can be conducted by doctors, but also by nurses, pharmacists, and volunteer midwives.

Note: When making the appointment, don't forget to specify that it is a prevention assessment as the duration of this interview is longer than a regular consultation.

You must also prepare for your appointment by downloading and completing a questionnaire tailored to your age group. This questionnaire is available on my Health Space, on the Ministry of Health's website, and on If you have difficulty, you can fill it out during the appointment with the help of the healthcare professional.

This appointment should allow you to discuss for 30 to 45 minutes your lifestyle habits, your level of physical inactivity, or your tobacco or alcohol consumption. You can take this opportunity to bring up topics that are most important to you, such as your concerns about menopause or loss of autonomy.

The healthcare professional you consult will then provide you with personalized advice and set one or two priorities for you to act upon, such as your diet or your level of physical activity.

4- What is the purpose of My Prevention Report?

The objective of the My Prevention Assessment device is to help you implement concrete and suitable actions in your daily life at your own pace. At the end of this assessment, you will need to complete a Personalized Prevention Plan with the healthcare professional.

If the healthcare professional you consulted is not your primary care physician, this Personalized Prevention Plan is then forwarded to your primary care physician.

Additionally, if this medical visit detects an untreated disease, you will be directly referred to a doctor or an appropriate facility.

5- Is my preventive assessment free?

My prevention check-up is a completely free service for the patient. It is 100% covered by Health Insurance, with no upfront costs.

If you receive an invitation from Health Insurance, it is in your best interest to make an appointment with a healthcare professional. Not only will it cost you nothing, but you will also benefit from a longer consultation than usual to review your health.

According to the Ministry of Health, the goal is for every French person to benefit from four such appointments over the course of their life. Through preventive actions, you can take charge of your health to feel better daily and live longer in good health.

Author: Audrey
Copyright image: Pxhere
Tags: healthcare professional, HEALTH, Primary care physician, questionnaire, volunteer, autonomy, mon, physical activity, Diet, French people, email, chronic diseases, French, screening, involve, pharmacists, midwives, physical inactivity, tobacco, alcohol, consumption, Menopause, concrete, disease, healthcare system, high blood pressure, diabetes, healthcare, communication, PRÉSIDENT, republic, Hauts-de-France, région, sleep, mental health, Aging, sexual health, vaccination, aims, violence,
More informations:
In French: Mon bilan prévention : comment ça marche ?
En español: Mi balance de prevención: ¿cómo funciona?
In italiano: Il mio bilancio di prevenzione: come funziona?
Auf Deutsch: Meine Präventionsbilanz: Wie funktioniert das?
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