Prevention Of Dementia: 5 Simple Tips To Avoid Cognitive Decline

With the increase in life expectancy and the aging population, dementia is a global health issue. To date, there is no cure for this decline in brain function. However, we are increasingly understanding the factors that promote this degeneration. According to the most recent medical recommendations, here are 5 simple tips to prevent dementia.

1- Staying active throughout life

There are currently no medications to treat the decline in cognitive abilities with age. With the aging of the global population, the World Health Organization estimates that the number of people with dementia worldwide will triple by 2050, reaching an impressive 153 million patients.

Today, about 70% of cases are related to Alzheimer's disease (the leading cause worldwide). In the absence of a cure, scientists are focusing their research on risk factors and ways to prevent this cognitive decline. They estimate that adopting good habits throughout one's life could prevent half of the cases of dementia worldwide.

The first prevention advice is to stay cognitively and physically active throughout life. As one ages, it is very important to have projects and continue learning new things. It is also recommended to take up new activities, whether sports or hobbies, preferably practiced in groups.

If you choose to engage in contact sports, don't forget to wear a protective helmet! This is another prevention tip to limit the risk of head trauma.

2- Maintaining social connections

If it is recommended to stay active with age, it is also to maintain social connections through group activities. Sedentary behavior is a significant risk factor for dementia, but social isolation is just as important!

The company of others and interactions with close ones or club members are essential for maintaining cognitive abilities with age.

Social connection is a powerful prevention tool. Even after a diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease or senile dementia, it helps delay cognitive decline.

3- Quit smoking

If you are a smoker, quitting smoking is the first thing you can do to prevent dementia. Smoking is one of the risk factors well identified by health authorities, just like excessive alcohol consumption.

It is estimated that smoking increases the risk of developing dementia by 60% from the age of 65, compared to a non-smoker.

As for non-smokers, they should protect themselves from passive smoking and air pollution to reduce their risk of developing cognitive disorders.

4- Prevent and treat chronic diseases

It was already known that, to reduce the risk of dementia in adulthood, it was necessary to reduce cardiovascular risk and prevent or treat various chronic diseases:
• diabetes;
• obesity;
• hypertension;
• depression.

On July 31, 2024, two new risk factors were added to the list of 12 factors already identified by the Lancet Commission. The commission's work revealed the harmful influence of excess bad cholesterol (LDL) and untreated vision loss without corrective lenses.

According to researchers, 7% of cases of cognitive decline could be attributed to a high level of bad cholesterol starting from the age of forty. A preventive measure, therefore, is to be regularly monitored by one's primary care physician to control blood pressure and conduct blood tests, particularly for monitoring blood glucose and cholesterol levels.

5- Correct vision and hearing problems

According to the latest report from The Lancet Commission on Dementia, untreated vision loss in old age accounts for about 2% of cognitive decline cases.

This new risk factor adds to a list that already includes hearing loss. It is estimated that hearing loss between the ages of 45 and 65 increases the risk of developing dementia by 90% compared to someone of the same age without this risk factor.

Among preventive measures, it is therefore important to monitor and treat any hearing or vision loss throughout one's life. These recommendations are perfectly consistent with previous advice, as wearing corrective glasses and/or hearing aids helps seniors stay active and maintain social connections.

Author: Audrey
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Tags: dementia, cognitive decline, Vision loss, smoking, risk factor, hearing loss, cognitive abilities, chronic diseases, disease, bad cholesterol, Aging, LDL, depression, cardiovascular risk, diabetes, obesity, Hypertension, corrective lenses, Primary care physician, hearing aids, corrective glasses, Monitor, The Lancet, hearing problems, cholesterol, blood glucose, blood tests, blood pressure, cognitive, air pollution, helmet, contact sports, sports, learning, TODAY, World Health Organization, function, brain, global health, head trauma, Social isolation, passive smoking, consumption, alcohol, HEALTH, Quitting smoking, smoker, senile dementia, diagnosis, Social connection,
In French: Prévention de la démence : 5 conseils simples pour éviter le déclin cognitif
En español: Prevención de la demencia: 5 consejos simples para evitar el deterioro cognitivo
In italiano: Prevenzione della demenza: 5 consigli semplici per evitare il declino cognitivo
Auf Deutsch: Vorbeugung von Demenz: 5 einfache Tipps zur Vermeidung kognitiven Abbaus
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