The Golden Bachelor On M6: 5 Things To Know About This Dating Show

In 2003, the reality TV show Bachelor, the single gentleman made its debut on M6. Twenty-one years later, the channel is reviving the concept with a more mature bachelor and suitors of the same age group. Here are 5 things to know about The Golden Bachelor, a new format where seniors seek love.

1- The show follows the concept of The Bachelor, with one small difference.

All viewers undoubtedly remember the cult program of M6 Bachelor, the Single Gentleman! This show, broadcast from 2003 to 2005 on the Six, then on NT1 in 2013 and 2016, invited viewers to follow the adventures of a charming bachelor in search of true love.

Viewers could see the Bachelor going on numerous romantic dates to get to know 20 contestants called the bachelorettes. Each episode ended with the rose ceremony, during which the man would offer a red rose to the candidates he wished to continue the adventure with. By the end of the show, only one remained!

Twenty-one years later, the channel has decided to revive this concept with a show titled The Golden Bachelor. This reality TV show, to be discovered on M6 starting Thursday, June 27 at 9:10 PM, follows the same game mechanics, with one small difference... All participants in the show are seniors in their sixties.

2- The new French Bachelor is 60 years old.

For the first season of the Golden Bachelor, the production chose a charming sixty-year-old named Landry. With his wavy graying hair, blue eyes, and handsome presence, the new French Bachelor is expected to win the hearts of many female viewers, not to mention his success with the bachelorettes...

Landry, who is now 60 years old, was a fulfilled husband and father. Unfortunately, he became a widower at the age of 41, when his three children were aged 2, 7, and 13. Today, this former entrepreneur who sold his business in 2020 to work part-time hopes to fall in love again.

This contestant is also "rather shy and reserved", according to Stéphane Rosenberg. So, it may come as a surprise that he is participating in the show, especially since he knew nothing about the concept before being contacted during the casting.

When asked why he agreed to embark on this adventure, he explains: "I told myself I had nothing to lose, the experience is not given to everyone. [...] Love has no age, everything is not over at 60. It's a third life opening up. I want to fall in love."

3- He is going to meet 20 bachelorettes aged 55 to 67.

As in previous editions, there is no Bachelor without his bachelorettes! In the show's mechanics, the contestants are just as important as the single candidate.

In The Golden Bachelor 2024, the 20 contestants are between 55 and 67 years old and present themselves to the highly sought-after bachelor with humor, shyness, or boldness. The casting, which is full of flavor, brings together very different profiles, including retirees as well as saleswomen, a high school principal, and even a singer.

All have come on the show to try to win over the Bachelor and hope to receive a rose... In the second part of the evening, M6 gives them the floor in a format titled The Golden Bachelor, the women tell us everything. In this program, six bachelorettes who stood out in the episode for their humor or straightforwardness gather to watch and comment on the evening's highlights.

4- The tone of the show should be slightly different.

Maturity obliges, the atmosphere of Golden Bachelor promises to be different from previous editions. On this subject, Stéphane Rotenberg, who hosts this program, stated: "What struck me in the show is the generational solidarity among these women. They are competitors, but they connect over past joys and sorrows."

Therefore, we can expect fewer backstabbing and hair-pulling among the bachelorettes. Another difference that long-time fans will surely notice: the roses handed out by Landry will not be red but gold. A nod to the show's name, of course!

This format was a hit in the United States.

This senior version of the show is a first in France. M6 can reasonably hope for good ratings because The Golden Bachelor was a hit in the United States when it aired last September on ABC.

This program, whose hero was Gerry Turner, a retired restaurateur aged 72, broke audience records across the Atlantic. The first episode was watched by 7.7 million Americans: a figure that ABC had not reached in two years for the launch of an entertainment show. However, for the two American lovebirds, the adventure ended less well as they have just announced their divorce!

In France, Landry's story will undoubtedly resonate with many senior viewers, convinced like him that love has no age. To discover the first episode of the Golden Bachelor and follow the adventures of this romantic bachelor, tune in to M6 on Thursday, June 27 at 9:10 PM.

Author: Audrey
Copyright image: Julien Theuil - M6
Tags: Bachelor, Golden, M6, LOVE, Landry, France, ABC, French, romantic, gentleman, reality TV, United States, backstabbing, gold, Solidarity, restaurateur, Atlantic, lovebirds, Atmosphere, tone, cult, Red Rose, game mechanics, graying hair, Entrepreneur, hopes, Rosenberg, shyness, flavor, divorce,
In French: Le Golden Bachelor sur M6 : 5 choses à savoir sur cette émission de dating
En español: El Golden Bachelor en M6: 5 cosas que debes saber sobre este programa de citas
In italiano: Il Golden Bachelor su M6: 5 cose da sapere su questo programma di incontri
Auf Deutsch: Der Golden Bachelor auf M6: 5 Dinge, die man über diese Dating-Show wissen sollte
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