Dumb Phone: The Trend Of Basic Phones In 5 Questions

As smartphones have become ubiquitous in our daily lives, a growing number of teenagers are opting for basic or "dumb phones". Thanks to these devices with limited features, Generation Z is rediscovering the joys of an offline life. I suggest we decode the dumb phone trend in 5 questions.

1- What is a dumb phone?

A dumb phone refers to a phone with limited functionalities, as opposed to smartphones. This expression, which literally means "idiot phone" in English, generally applies to flip phones or devices that only allow sending SMS and making calls.

These models, devoid of internet connection, are increasingly attracting young people who wish to regain their independence from technology and take control of their own lives.

HMD Global, the company that produces Nokia phones, sells tens of thousands of these devices every month. It observed a 5% increase in the flip phone market during the year 2022.

2- What are the differences between a dumb phone and a smartphone?

The design and lack of Internet connection are not the only differences between a dumb phone and a smartphone.

Flip phones also differ from smartphones by the absence of a touchscreen and by a limited number of features. They do not offer an endless choice of applications, but only a few basic functions such as a calculator, a calendar, and small offline games...

As they lack advanced features, they spare their owners the temptation to spend too much time on social media or other online content. In summary, they offer a simpler and less addictive user experience than smartphones.

3- Who started this trend?

As surprising as it may seem, the return of the dumb phone was not initiated by retirees nostalgic for the 1990s and 2000s, but by young people under 30!

It is the young people, particularly representatives of Generation Z, who have rediscovered the value of using these basic phones. Aware of the dangers of excessive smartphone use and tired of the constant distractions from notifications, the younger generations have made dumb phones allies in their fight against screen addiction.

Note: according to an online survey conducted in August 2022, more than 50% of the teenagers surveyed spent an average of 7 hours per day on social media!

4- What are the advantages of dumb phones?

Among Generation Z, who were born from 1997 onwards and grew up surrounded by technology, some teenagers are no longer hiding their frustration with screens. They have become aware of the harmful effects of a hyperconnected daily life on their mental health and report symptoms such as anxiety, difficulty concentrating, insomnia, and mood disorders.

This explains why more and more young people are deciding to equip themselves with simpler phones. Their primary goal is to disconnect and give themselves a welcome break in a hyperconnected world where demands are constant.

In addition to promoting digital detox and disconnection, using a dumb phone offers economic and ecological advantages. Indeed, minimalist phones are generally cheaper and more durable than modern smartphones. Young people are particularly sensitive to the benefits of these basic phones for the climate. These models have a better carbon footprint because they are repairable and more durable.

Note: The return of dumb phones is a global phenomenon. Basic models represent about a quarter of the phones used worldwide. They are in high demand in developing countries because they are more affordable than smartphones. At the same time, they are being adopted by Generation Z in the United States and Europe for very different reasons:
• reducing screen time.
• freeing themselves from the stress of notifications and social networks.
• avoiding the negative effects of hyperconnectivity on health.
• refocusing on the present moment.
• letting go of their phones and enjoying real life.

5- Where can one buy a dumb phone?

By reviving the trend of basic phones, millennials and Gen Z are paving the way for a more reasoned and reasonable use of technology. If the previous arguments have convinced you to follow their example and adopt a dumb phone, know that you don't need to scour flea markets and garage sales to find an old flip phone.

Manufacturers have understood the interest in offering simpler phone models, and you will find different types of dumbphones on the market:
• On one hand, more modern reissues of iconic phones like the Nokia 3210, 3310, or 8110.
• On the other hand, new basic models, such as those from the American brand Light Phone, with a minimalist black-and-white interface.

These new minimalist phones are not necessarily anti-technology. They feature some improvements over old phones, such as the addition of a contactless NFC chip, GPS, and a more efficient camera than those from the 2000s...

In conclusion, note that you can follow this trend without completely giving up your smartphone! You can notably acquire a minimalist phone to use during weekends. This way, you can better enjoy your free time with your family and friends and rediscover the simple pleasures of offline life.

Author: Audrey
Copyright image: Santeri Viinamäki
Tags: smartphones, Smartphone, minimalist, Generation Z, technology, hyperconnected, social media, Internet, market, flip phone, millennials, Gen Z, HEALTH, social networks, stress, screen time, Europe, United States, scour, flea markets, family, camera, GPS, NFC, contactless, interface, black-and-white, brand, American, garage, developing countries, carbon footprint, calendar, calculator, touchscreen, independence, Nokia, HMD Global, sms, flip phones, temptation, user experience, addiction, climate, Young, ecological, mood disorders, Insomnia, anxiety, mental health,
In French: Dumb phone : la mode des téléphones basiques en 5 questions
En español: Teléfono tonto: la moda de los teléfonos básicos en 5 preguntas
In italiano: Telefono semplice: la moda dei telefoni di base in 5 domande
Auf Deutsch: Dumbphone: der Trend zu einfachen Handys in 5 Fragen
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