Hiking In Guernsey: 5 New Trails To Explore

On the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings, the Guernsey Tourist Office will offer, starting in spring 2024, 5 new hiking trails centered around World War II. Here is everything you need to know about these thematic hikes and other activities offered.

An important anniversary for the islands of Guernsey

In June 2024, several countries are preparing to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings. The 1944 landings are a major event in the history of the Channel Islands which were occupied between 1940 and 1945.

To properly celebrate this event, the local tourist office is launching 5 new hiking trails themed around World War II.

Additionally, visitors are invited to experience new activities, such as cultural boat tours, exploring previously inaccessible bunkers, and celebrations at the archipelago's monuments and museums.

New historical routes on the VisitGuernsey app

Since April 22, 2024, 5 hiking routes have been added in the VisitGuernsey app. Visitors can find these World War II themed hikes in the "History & Heritage" tab.

Specifically, these are:
• 3 walking trails titled Coastal Memories, Liberation, and Invasion.
• 1 bike route on the theme of Occupation.
• 1 driving route on the theme of Fortifications.

These various courses allow travelers to discover some of the most emblematic sites of the islands. QR codes have been scattered along each route to provide visitors with additional details about these historically significant places.

Users of the VisitGuernsey app also have access to photo and video content, including images taken by residents who lived through the Occupation.

Newly opened bunkers to the public

On the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings, some of the 100 bunkers on the archipelago will be opened to the public for the first time.

Did you know that the Guernsey Islands are the most fortified place in the world? In 2024, numerous bunkers that were previously inaccessible will be accessible to visitors during special days and events. Visitors eager to learn more about local history will then have the opportunity to explore these exceptional testimonies of World War II.

Whether you're a history enthusiast or just curious, the Tourist Office invites you to:
• Festung’s European Bunker Day, on Saturday, June 8, 2024.
• Mirus Battery Day, on Saturday, July 20, 2024.
• Dolman Anti-Aircraft Battery Day, on Saturday, August 17, 2024.

All these events are free and accessible without reservation.

Unique experiences to live

To celebrate the 80th anniversary of the Landing on the Guernsey islands, visitors can also take part in cultural boat tours, guided visits and celebrations that will be organized in the archipelago's monuments and museums.

One of the best ways to discover the fascinating past of these islands is to book a guided tour on foot or from the sea through the Tours of Guernsey website (see the link below).

The tour guide Amanda Johns offers captivating historical journeys through the local bunkers and monuments. She introduces visitors to magnificent viewpoints, from land or sea. Indeed, she has recently started offering a boat excursion to admire the coastal sites from a different perspective.

To complete the discovery of local history, travelers can also visit the German Occupation Museum and the La Vallette Underground Military Museum. The former houses an authentic reconstruction of a street during the German occupation. The latter provides an original immersion into the past as it is located in underground tunnels dating from World War II.

As you can see, the Guernsey islands are a must-visit destination to immerse yourself in one of the most significant periods of the 20th century.

Author: Audrey
Copyright image: Office de Tourisme de Guernesey
Tags: Guernsey, World War II, hiking, D-Day landings, archipelago, APP, German occupation, Local history, QR codes, Military Museum, Underground, spring, Amanda, tour guide, Anti-Aircraft Battery, Dolman, Channel Islands, immersion,
More informations: https://www.toursofguernsey.com/tours
In French: Randonnée à Guernesey : 5 nouveaux itinéraires à découvrir
En español: Senderismo en Guernesey: 5 nuevas rutas para descubrir
In italiano: Escursioni a Guernsey: 5 nuovi percorsi da scoprire
Auf Deutsch: Wanderung auf Guernsey: 5 neue Routen zu entdecken.
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