When deciding to go on vacation by car, the journey to your destination always represents a significant budget, especially if you have planned a stay far from home. Fortunately, a few good habits can help reduce fuel expenses. We offer you 5 tips to reduce costs on the road to your vacation.
In order to preserve the excellence and diversity of French know-how and promote their transmission to future generations, the government has implemented a national strategy in favor of arts and crafts. We invite you to discover the content of this plan, jointly carried by the Ministries of Culture and Economy.
Mothers are honored in many countries around the world on a special day dedicated to them. Mother's Day, whose origins date back to ancient times, is an opportunity to show affection by choosing a thoughtful gift. Here are 5 commandments to follow to celebrate all mothers with dignity.
In order to improve the safety of city users, a new yellow light for pedestrians is being tested in 6 major cities in France. We invite you to discover how these new tricolor pedestrian lights work and their benefits.
France has more than 3000 freshwater and seawater bathing areas. Among them, more than 500 beaches and ports are awarded the Blue Flag label in 2023. Even in the absence of a label, the quality of bathing water is subject to health monitoring to prevent any risks for bathers. Here is everything you need to know about the quality of bathing water in France.
If you think the fanny pack is completely outdated, you're totally wrong! This iconic accessory from the 1990s is making a comeback in our wardrobes and is now worn with style. We'll explain how to follow this new trend in 5 questions.
When packing for a beach vacation, choosing a swimsuit is not the only question to ask yourself. If you want to have style on the sand or pebbles, you also need to switch to beachwear mode and carefully choose your clothes, shoes, and accessories for lounging in the sun. We explain how to dress for the beach.
As part of the Bread Festival, the National Confederation of French Bakery and Pastry organizes the national competition for the best traditional French baguette! This event, which takes place in front of the public, is an excellent way to promote bread that is flavorful and made by a skilled baker.
The city of Thiers in Auvergne has been the largest French center for cutlery production for over six centuries. Known as the "European Capital of Cutlery," it has hosted the Coutellia trade fair dedicated to art and traditional knives for over twenty-five years. For the first time in 2016, a new event served as a prelude to this fair: the World Cutlery Meetings or Thiers Meetings.
The town of Thiers in Auvergne is the birthplace of French cutlery. It is where the International Exhibition of Art and Traditional Knives, Coutellia, is held every year: a must-attend event for enthusiasts!