Morocco: 6 Reasons To Travel To Rabat

The administrative capital of Morocco is a less well-known tourist destination compared to Marrakech or Essaouira. Yet, it is home to some of the most beautiful monuments, museums, and gardens in the country. If you are still hesitating to book your plane ticket, here are 6 reasons to travel to Rabat.

1- It is a city steeped in history.

The cultural and historical heritage of Rabat in Morocco is the first good reason to book a flight from Paris to Rabat.

The Moroccan administrative capital is rich with a millennial history that dates back to its founding in 1150. Even today, you can discover the history of Morocco through numerous testimonies of the past:
the Kasbah of Oudayas, a 12th-century fortress with Andalusian gardens and a panoramic view of the Atlantic Ocean.
the Merinid necropolis of Chellah and its remnants of a Roman city.
the Hassan Tower, the only remaining part of an unfinished mosque.

This tower, along with the Mausoleum of Mohamed V, offers a fascinating glimpse into traditional Islamic architecture.

2- It is a modern and cosmopolitan capital.

A city rich in history, Rabat is also a modern and cosmopolitan capital, with all the amenities: airport, tram, and shopping centers. In this city of many influences, cafes, restaurants, and shops reflect the cultural diversity of its inhabitants.

As the political capital of Morocco, this destination is open to the world and offers visitors a relaxed and welcoming atmosphere. It is one of the 6 good reasons to visit.

3- It is a green city.

Although tourists come to Rabat to visit its historical monuments, the administrative capital of Morocco is resolutely looking to the future. The city, which gives pride of place to green spaces, aims to become an eco-friendly destination, and this is one of the 6 reasons to spend your next vacation there.

You will discover a green city where nature invites itself into the very heart of the urban space. Between the Andalusian gardens of the Kasbah of the Oudayas, the Zoological Garden, the Chellah necropolis, the green belt, and the Ibn Sina forest, the capital boasts no less than 230 hectares of greenery!

The surroundings of the city are not left out, with the Exotic Gardens of Bouknadel, the Maâmora forest on the road to Fez, and the Sidi Boughaba nature reserve.

4- It is a destination rich in museums and galleries.

You will understand, the capital of Morocco has many assets to attract history enthusiasts and nature lovers. Art lovers will also find their happiness in the numerous museums and galleries of the city. This artistic richness is one of the 6 reasons to travel to Rabat.

Among the must-see visits, we note:
• the Mohammed VI Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art. This Andalusian-style building designed by Karim Chakor houses an impressive collection of modern Moroccan art.

• the Museum of History and Civilizations. This archaeological museum traces the history of Morocco from prehistory and presents rare pieces from different regions of the country. It is known for its remarkable collection of bronze statues, unearthed at the archaeological site of Volubilis.

5- It is the setting for several events and festivals.

The city's cultural animation is also among the 6 good reasons to travel to Rabat. Local life is punctuated by several annual festivals, the most famous of which is undoubtedly the Mawazine Festival.

This world music festival, held in May and June, is one of the most important on the planet and attracts international artists.

Its program is eclectic, featuring Moroccan and Arab singers and musicians, big names from the international scene such as Mariah Carey or Stromae, as well as performers and dancers of traditional music from around the world.

6- It is a prime location for sports and leisure activities.

The last of the 6 reasons to travel to Rabat lies in the wide range of sports and leisure activities you can enjoy there.

The Moroccan capital, bordered by the Atlantic waters, offers endless beaches. These beaches, extending all the way to Casablanca, are an ideal playground for all lovers of relaxation, swimming, and water sports. You'll be spoiled for choice between kayaking, windsurfing, surfing, or jet-skiing!

And if you prefer other outdoor activities, why not try horseback riding or golfing on the legendary course at the Royal Golf Dar Es Salam? One thing is certain, you won't get bored in Rabat!

Author: Audrey
Copyright image: YoTuT on Flickr
Tags: Rabat, Morocco, capital, CITY, Moroccan, Cosmopolitan, necropolis, Chellah, green city, sports, Andalusian, Kasbah, leisure, prehistory, traditional music, Stromae, bronze, Mariah Carey, Arab, unearthed, archaeological site, Volubilis, Eclectic, International artists, animation, planet, Swimming, wide range, Golf, horseback riding, jet-skiing, surfing, windsurfing, Kayaking, spoiled, water sports, relaxation, playground, Ideal, Casablanca, Atlantic, Dar Es Salam, archaeological, Karim, tower, mosque, Hassan Tower, Roman, Merinid, Atlantic Ocean,
More informations:
In French: Maroc : les 6 raisons de voyager à Rabat
En español: Marruecos: las 6 razones para viajar a Rabat
In italiano: Marocco: i 6 motivi per viaggiare a Rabat
Auf Deutsch: Marokko: Die 6 Gründe, nach Rabat zu reisen
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