Transporting Makeup On A Plane: What Are The Rules To Follow?

As you probably already know if you regularly fly, the quantities of liquids that each passenger can carry in the cabin are limited. These restrictions apply to cosmetic products, perfume, and also makeup. Here is everything you need to know to transport makeup on a plane without breaking the rules imposed by airlines.

1- How many liquids can be carried in the cabin?

All lipstick, mascara, and eyeliner enthusiasts can rest assured! During a flight, it is entirely possible to carry makeup on the plane. More specifically, you can keep your favorite products within reach in your carry-on luggage, provided you adhere to the rules and restrictions that apply to liquid products.

As a reminder, liquids, perfumes, and aerosols are prohibited in the cabin if they are contained in bottles with a capacity greater than 100 ml.

Liquids and gels are allowed in the cabin up to 100 ml per product, provided they are placed in a sealed transparent bag (such as a freezer bag) measuring no more than 20 cm x 20 cm. Additionally, the total amount of liquid products you can carry with you in the cabin is limited to one liter, or 10 small bottles with a maximum capacity of 100 ml each.

2. Which products are considered liquids in carry-on luggage?

To avoid violating the rules imposed by airlines, it is also important to know which cosmetic or makeup products are considered liquids.

The list of products with limited capacity in the cabin includes:
• perfumes and deodorants.
• shower gels, shampoo, and bubble bath.
• toothpaste.
• face creams and masks.
• makeup remover oils and lotions.
• liquid foundation.
• liquid lipstick and gloss.
• mascara.

Conversely, solid or powder products such as pencils, palettes, eyeshadows, blush, and face powder pose no problem when traveling by plane.

Note: in case of doubt about the consistency of a product, such as lip gloss for example, it is safer to consider it a liquid when preparing your beauty kit. To be able to carry makeup on the plane with you with peace of mind, ensure that the product's capacity does not exceed 100 ml and place it in your transparent bag for liquids.

3- How to prepare your makeup bag for a plane trip?

Once you have fully understood the rules imposed by airlines, you can prepare your makeup kit without any hassle.

Here are 5 golden rules to remember for carrying makeup on a plane:

1- Favor solid or powder products as much as possible because they are not subject to any restrictions.

2- Transfer products whose original container exceeds 100 ml into small transparent travel bottles.

3- Bring the most essential liquid products during the flight (such as deodorant, hand sanitizer, and toothpaste) in your carry-on luggage and place the others in checked baggage.

4- Select from your favorite cosmetic and makeup products to limit yourself to a maximum of 10 liquid products.

5- Favor moisturizing products such as a face cream, eye drops for dry eyes, an eye contour treatment, and a moisturizing lip balm because long hours of flight dehydrate the face and eyes.

Note: During a plane trip, the ambient air is dry due to altitude, UV ray reflection on the windows, and air conditioning. It is therefore essential to stay well-hydrated and moisturize your skin for a beautiful arrival at the airport.

Author: Audrey
Copyright image: Printerval
Tags: plane, liquid, carry-on luggage, KIT, toothpaste, lipstick, Mascara, moisturizing, powder, Gels, Eye drops, Cream, deodorant, hand sanitizer, checked baggage, dry eyes, eye, skin, air conditioning, reflection, UV ray, altitude, Ambient, dehydrate, lip balm, contour, container, hassle, cosmetic products, perfume, transport, Eyeliner, aerosols, freezer, maximum capacity, Shower, Shampoo, bubble bath, gloss, face powder, lip gloss, beauty, peace, exceed, fly,
In French: Transporter du maquillage en avion : quelles sont les règles à respecter ?
En español: Transportar maquillaje en avión: ¿cuáles son las reglas a seguir?
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Auf Deutsch: Make-up im Flugzeug transportieren: Welche Regeln sind zu beachten?
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