Among the craftsmen and construction professionals, each trade has its specificities and workwear. In many sectors, wearing work attire is even mandatory, hence the importance of choosing it well. We will explain how to select quality work pants in specialized stores.
If you are one of those people who take a lot of photos with their phone when they travel, don't wait for your smartphone to be full or break down to secure your memories. We will give you 5 tips to back up your vacation photos.
Despite its poetic name, ragweed is a real scourge for people who suffer from pollen allergies. This plant, native to North America, causes severe allergies during its flowering period in August and September. Here is everything you need to know about this highly allergenic herb in 3 questions.
The city of Grasse, in the Alpes-Maritimes, has many attractions. This destination, known as the world's perfume capital, is also the capital of eastern Provence. It has been awarded two flowers in the Concours des villes et villages fleuris and has been promoted as a City of Art and History. Here are 3 good reasons to visit this must-see city on the French Riviera.
Many children and adults dream of having their own treehouse in the garden. Before bringing this childhood dream to life, it is important to learn about the necessary formalities and rules to follow. We will explain the required permissions for building a treehouse based on its size.
The end of summer, between mid-August and the end of September, is the peak season for blackberries. It is then possible to pick these berries on the roadside, in the countryside, or in forests to make jams or pies. If you are looking for a no-bake recipe, I suggest you discover how to prepare a wild blackberry charlotte.
You may have heard that hair grows faster in the summer. But is this a scientific truth or just a myth? Are body hairs also affected by this summer growth? Here are the answers to the beauty questions you ask yourself every summer.
The end of summer is the season for tomatoes, zucchinis, eggplants, and peppers in the garden. But it is also the time when you can sow other varieties of vegetables to achieve abundant harvests during the winter. Here are 5 vegetables to sow in your vegetable garden in August.
Contrary to what one might think, eating too balanced is not recommended. Just like anorexia and bulimia, the obsession with healthy food or orthorexia is an eating disorder. It is much less known than anorexia, yet 1 in 5 French people are affected to varying degrees. Here is the definition of this pathology, the risks it entails, and a test to determine if you are orthorexic.
An iconic specialty of Northern France, soluble chicory is also a beverage full of health benefits. The root from which it is made has nutritional and medicinal properties. But this is not the only reason for the resurgence of this coffee substitute. We offer you an analysis of this trend in 5 questions.