Harris vs Trump: How to Follow the American Presidential Election on Television?

News and Media

This week, Americans will have to choose between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. This election promises to be crucial for the future of the world, as it will determine the presidency of the world's leading power for the next four years. For all those who don't want to miss this historic face-off, here is how to follow the American presidential election on French television.


Pumpkin soup: a recipe for Halloween

Gastronomy and Food

Soups, which combine pleasure and nutritional qualities, are essential when the winter season returns. To delight the little monsters on Halloween night, we offer you an easy pumpkin soup recipe. Its velvety smoothness will appeal to both children and adults.


Dental Hygiene: 5 Tips for Cleaning Your Toothbrush

Health and Beauty

American researchers have just discovered that our toothbrushes are real breeding grounds for viruses. In the bathroom, the heat and humidity conditions are conducive to the proliferation of microbes, hence the importance of properly maintaining the accessories found there. We will give you 5 tips for cleaning your toothbrush, whether it's a manual brush or an electric toothbrush head.


Doctor Odyssey: a series that takes us on a journey

News and Media

Since October 24th, the Disney+ platform offers French viewers a new delightful medical series. Doctor Odyssey follows the adventures of a cruise ship doctor who must juggle between the crew's misadventures and unpredictable medical emergencies.


Work Stoppage: Understanding Daily Allowances in 5 Questions

Education and Training

If your doctor has prescribed a work stoppage, you may receive daily allowances after a waiting period of 3 days, whether you are an employee, seasonal worker, or unemployed. We will explain how these allowances work in 5 questions.


All Saints' Day: The 5 Most Famous Cemeteries in France

Travel and Tourism

Halloween and All Saints' Day are perfect opportunities to explore the history and hidden treasures of our cemeteries. Throughout France, but especially in the capital, these places of memory house the graves of illustrious personalities. We have listed for you the 5 most famous cemeteries in France, where a contemplative walk can take on a mysterious turn on the occasion of Halloween.


Pumpkin and Cheese Turnovers: A Recipe for Halloween

Gastronomy and Food

Autumn is the peak season for all kinds of squash. For all pumpkin, red kuri squash, and other squash enthusiasts, here is an easy recipe to serve as a starter or appetizer. The small pumpkin and cheese turnovers are quick to prepare and will delight your guests on Halloween night.


World Vegan Month: Veganism Month in November

Gastronomy and Food

More and more people are choosing to stop consuming meat for health or ethical reasons. If you are already vegetarian or flexitarian, November is an opportunity to explore the vegan lifestyle. This month has indeed been designated as "World Vegan Month" by the Vegan Society. The goal? To encourage the general public to eat vegan for 30 days.


Halloween: The Character of Dracula in 5 Questions

Art and Culture

Still popular today, especially during Halloween, the character of Dracula was born in 1897 from the imagination of Irish writer Bram Stoker. The author is said to have been inspired by the Romanian prince Vlad Tepes III. Although Stoker's work was not the first novel about a vampire, it marked a crucial step in fantasy literature and inspired a myth that remains very present in the collective imagination, in literature and cinema.


Murder Club: 5 Good Reasons to Watch the M6 Series

News and Media

Starting Tuesday, October 29, M6 is broadcasting a new series featuring Éric Cantona and Tiphaine Daviot. In Murder Club, the two actors form a striking detective duo, on the trail of a formidable serial killer. Here are 5 good reasons to discover the new crime comedy on Channel Six.

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