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Telephone solicitation: 06 and 07 numbers soon to be banned

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Faced with the scourge of commercial telephone canvassing, the French regulatory authority for electronic communications, posts and press distribution (Arcep) has decided to help consumers recognize commercial calls. As of January 1, 2023, telephone canvassing platforms will no longer be able to use numbers beginning with 06 or 07. Here is a deciphering of this measure.


MAP Toulouse: the festival for photography lovers

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During the whole month of September, photography enthusiasts have an appointment in the pink city for an event placed under the sign of sharing: the MAP Toulouse festival. A contest and several free exhibitions are held in the city to encourage the meeting between the Toulouse public and professional or amateur photographers.


How does the Google Photos photo printing service work?

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Are you used to printing your photos rather than letting them sleep in the memory of your smartphone? Google Photos recently launched a photo printing service that allows you to order prints and much more. Let's find out how this service works.


Regards du Grand Paris: a free photo exhibition in Île-de-France

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Notice to all those who spend the summer in the capital or in Île-de-France! Until the end of October, about forty places in the Ile-de-France region are hosting a free photo event entitled Regards du Grand Paris. Various exhibitions invite you to discover the landscapes and inhabitants of the capital and the inner suburbs as seen through the lens of 38 photographers.


Photo tutorial : 3 tips to have a photographer's eye

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Can you capture the right image at the right time? Are you always on the lookout for subjects to photograph, the right light and the right angle? If you've never tried to look at the world like a photographer, here are 3 tips to get a photographer's eye.


How to make a success of your night photos?

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Shooting at night can be quite difficult for beginners. It requires you to manipulate ISO, aperture and shutter speed, among other things. Follow our tips to help you shoot in the dark. Once you learn the basics, you'll find that night photography is really fun. Don't be afraid to experiment, and you'll be rewarded with beautiful snapshots.


FR-Alert: a new system to warn the population in case of danger

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The Ministry of the Interior has announced the deployment by the end of June 2022 of a new device called FR-Alert. It is an alert system intended to warn the population of a danger. Explanations.


Love Songs: enter the intimacy of photographers at the MEP

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This summer, the Maison Européenne de la Photographie presents a fascinating exhibition that takes us into the intimacy of photographers. This two-part exhibition, entitled Love Songs, brings to light and to music the love relationships experienced by the artists themselves.


1000th of seconds: the festival of sports photography in Saint-Mathurin-sur-Loire

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The very first festival entirely dedicated to sports photography will be held this summer in the village of Saint-Mathurin-sur-Loire near Angers. This festival, named 1000th of seconds, in reference to the sportsmen's stopwatch but also to the shutter time used by photographers, will highlight ten sports through more than 150 photos.


Businesses: 5 Major Reasons to Communicate with Video

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For a company, using video is now a must. The world consumes video, and more and more. At a time when Youtube is becoming the world's leading search engine, the company must adapt more than ever to present a close image, generate trust and commitment.

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