The Visa pour l'image Festival brings together every year the great names of photojournalism in Perpignan. This event offers free exhibitions throughout the city, evening screenings and meetings with photographers.
The Rencontres d'Arles, created in 1969 by the Arles photographer Lucien Clergue and the writer Michel Tournier, is an international reference for photography. This festival brings together each year thousands of professionals and amateurs from around the world. On the program: about fifty exhibitions, screenings, symposiums, conferences and photography courses.
The TV host Nikos Aliagas is also a photography enthusiast. He unveils his brand new exhibition entitled Regards Miroirs at the Seine Musicale. Don't miss this free exhibition which features portraits of stars.
The Franco-Brazilian photographer Sebastião Salgado is very committed to the preservation of the environment. He proves it once again by presenting an exhibition entitled Aqua Mater on the square of La Défense in Paris. These beautiful black and white images on the theme of water are intended to alert us to the need to preserve one of the most precious resources of our planet.
In his dreamlike images, Swedish photographer Erik Johansson imagines surreal worlds. An exhibition currently on display in Paris allows us to discover the astonishing universe of this artist who blurs the boundaries between reality and fantasy.
As incredible as it may seem, disposable cameras popular in the 1990s are making a comeback! We propose to decipher this trend against the current in the era of digital technology and sustainable development.
Do you know the work of Gaston Paris? This unjustly ignored French photographer is to be rediscovered in a free exhibition at the Centre Pompidou. This exhibition entitled 'Gaston Paris, la photographie en spectacle' will plunge you into the world of entertainment in the 1930s.
Several emerging photographers have chosen the theme of the body and question our representation of people with disabilities, women or people of color. Among these young photographers who shake up the clichés, Lisa Miquet wants to change our view on female hair. Explanations.
Every year, the World No Mobile Days invite us to take a break without our phones for three days, from February 6 to 8. For those who feel unable to pick up, here are 5 tips to meet this challenge.
Notice to fans of the black and white portraits of Studio Harcourt! The Charles Nègre Museum of Photography in Nice will dedicate an exhibition to the famous studio. Come and discover some of these timelessly elegant portraits and pose in a Harcourt booth to leave with your own portrait.