Home and Garden

Green manure: definition, sowing and benefits.

Home and Garden

Green manure is a simple and ecological solution to improve the structure and texture of depleted soil at the end of the season. This process involves sowing and burying certain fast-growing plants such as phacelia, clover, or vetch. Here is a presentation of this 100% natural method.


The Buenos Aires verbena: 5 good reasons to adopt it in the garden.

Home and Garden

Buenos Aires verbena, also known as Patagonian verbena, is a perennial plant with delicate lilac-colored flowers. Floriferous and resistant, this species has multiple advantages. We have listed 5 good reasons to adopt it in your garden.


How to prune lavender?

Home and Garden

If you have lavender in your garden or in a pot on your terrace, you may have noticed that this bushy plant tends to sag and hollow out over time. The secret to keeping your plants compact and productive lies in pruning. We will explain how to prune lavender.


Windy balcony: 5 windbreak tips to protect plants.

Home and Garden

All gardeners who have a balcony exposed to strong winds know it well: drafts are a scourge for plantings. If you're tired of finding broken branches, torn flower petals, and dried-out planters, here are 5 windbreak tips to protect plants on a windy balcony.


The watering gel to water plants during vacations.

Home and Garden

If you have to leave for several days and nobody can come to water your plants during your vacation, know that there is a way to save your green plants from dehydration and drying out. We will explain what watering gel is and how you can make it yourself.


Garden: 5 unusual facts about bell peppers

Home and Garden

Originally from Central America, the bell pepper was introduced to Europe in the 16th century, but its cultivation only developed in the 18th century. Here are 5 unusual facts about bell peppers that you may not know.


Garden shed: how to choose it in 5 questions

Home and Garden

The garden shed is the gardener's secret domain: not only does he store his tools and accessories there, but he can also prepare his seedlings or tinker. This annex to the house comes in various sizes, shapes, and materials. Depending on its surface area, its installation may require administrative procedures. Here is a practical guide to choosing the right garden shed in 5 questions.


The kalamansi: a small fruit with a powerful taste.

Home and Garden

Exotic fruit still unknown in Europe, kalamansi is a small citrus with a powerful taste. Its flavor evokes both the acidity of lemon and the fragrance of mandarin and kumquat. Here are 5 things to know about this fruit also called the Philippine lemon.


Garden: how to create a cool oasis?

Home and Garden

With the multiplication of heatwaves, it is urgent to adapt both gardening practices and the layout of outdoor spaces around your home. We will explain how to make the surroundings of your house cooler and how to create a cool island in your garden.


The kamado: a Japanese ceramic barbecue.

Home and Garden

After the plancha and the brasero, the new trendy cooking appliance is the kamado! While grilling season is in full swing, why not try this funny Japanese barbecue that looks like a big ceramic egg? We will explain to you why and how to use a kamado.

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