Home and Garden

Christmas: How to Recycle Your Tree After the Holidays?

Home and Garden

The same ritual repeats itself every year: as soon as the holidays are over, it's time to take down the Christmas tree and put away the decorations. For those wondering how to give a second life to a natural Christmas tree, here are 5 tips for recycling your tree after the holidays.


Kitchen Garden: Phenoculture or Hay Mulching in 5 Questions

Home and Garden

Gardening method invented by a French agronomist, phenoculture involves covering the soil with hay. According to Didier Helmstetter, the inventor of this agroecological technique, hay is the best natural material for mulching and facilitating the cultivation of vegetables. We invite you to discover this method "for lazy gardeners" in 5 questions.


Spring: eco-friendly laundry and household cleaning products

Home and Garden

Even though an increasing number of French people are aware of the impact of household cleaning on indoor air quality, 93% of them still use conventional cleaning products. To change this, the brand Spring offers eco-friendly laundry and cleaning products, packaged without plastic containers and delivered directly to your mailbox. Here's how it works.


The Schlumbergera or Christmas Cactus in 5 Questions

Home and Garden

The Schlumbergera, better known as the Christmas cactus, is a pretty indoor plant that has the unique feature of blooming in autumn and winter. Not very cold-hardy, this succulent plant is easy to maintain and propagate. It lives up to its name by producing spectacular flowers during the holiday season.


Household Linens: Where Does the Winter White Tradition Come From?

Home and Garden

January is traditionally the month of "blanc" or winter white, a major promotional event for household linens and bedding sets. We invite you to discover the origin and features of this quintessentially French tradition.


Garden: 5 Good Reasons to Plant a Guava Tree

Home and Garden

Tropical tree native to Latin America, the guava is cultivated for its green fruits with granular and highly fragrant flesh. But did you know that it is possible to grow this original fruit tree in certain regions of France? If you live in an area with mild winters, you can try growing it in the ground. We are going to give you 5 good reasons to plant a guava tree in your garden.


How to Choose a Christmas Tree in 3 Questions

Home and Garden

Every year, several million Christmas trees are sold in France, with one million being artificial trees. Between the different models of artificial trees and the various species of trees, the choice is often difficult... Here are some practical tips to help you choose a Christmas tree.


Christmas Decor: How to Decorate Windows with Meudon White?

Home and Garden

White powder used for cleaning all kinds of surfaces, Blanc de Meudon is also a cost-effective and eco-friendly product that's very handy for creating Christmas decorations. We're going to explain how to decorate windows with this natural alternative to spray-on artificial snow.


Air Fryer: What You Need to Know About the Hot Air Fryer

Home and Garden

The air fryer, an indispensable new robot in kitchens, is generally introduced as a deep fryer. However, in reality, it allows almost all foods to be cooked without oil. Here's what you need to know about this very trendy appliance at the moment.


The Golden Hops: A Climbing Plant to Adopt in the Garden

Home and Garden

When we talk about hops, we immediately think of the cone-shaped flowers used to flavor beer. But did you know that this plant can also be grown for ornamental purposes? We are going to introduce you to the good reasons to adopt the 'Aureus' cultivar, also known as golden hops, in your garden.

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