Home and Garden

The loropetalum: a decorative shrub with pink flowers

Home and Garden

Among the shrubs that provide clusters of flowers in spring, Loropetalum chinense or Chinese fringe flower is one of the most spectacular. From February to April, it is covered with ruffled flowers of a beautiful bright pink. Here is everything you need to know about the characteristics and cultivation of loropetalum.


Vastu Shastra: The Indian Feng Shui to Harmonize Your Home

Home and Garden

Less known than Chinese feng shui, vastu shastra is an ancient Indian art that promotes the good flow of vital energy in a place. We will explain how you can draw inspiration from this millennia-old knowledge to harmonize your home and feel good in your own space.


Peasant Seeds: 5 Things to Know About the Craft of Seed Artisanry

Home and Garden

Unlike multinational seed companies, artisan seed producers often offer reproducible peasant varieties. Although this profession is largely unknown, the artisan seed producer helps to preserve humanity's food autonomy by multiplying and selecting peasant seeds each year. Here are 5 things to know about this trade.


Organize the Bathroom: 5 Storage Tips

Home and Garden

When conducting a thorough spring cleaning at home, it's important to pay special attention to the bathroom, as it's a room where clutter tends to accumulate. To help you sort through your products and organize, here are 5 tips for tidying up the bathroom.


Seed Bombs: How to Make Seed Bombs?

Home and Garden

What if you grew flowers in the city to celebrate the arrival of spring? In order for nature to reclaim its rights in urban spaces, a strange but peaceful "gardening guerrilla" has been declared in our cities for a few years now... The weapon of choice for these guerrillas is the "seed bomb." We'll explain how to make seed bombs to greenify vacant lots.


The Solliès Pont vintage market: between nostalgia and conviviality

Home and Garden

The town of Solliès-Pont in the Var region is the capital of figs... but that's not all! Once a year, the castle hosts a vintage market to the delight of fans of antique items, old cars, vinyl records, and other accessories from the 1940s to 1960s. This flea market takes place in a warm atmosphere to the sound of rockabilly music: a guaranteed good time!


The Dynamite Tree: 5 Things to Know About the Species Hura crepitans

Home and Garden

Among the world's most dangerous trees, the Hura crepitans species stands out for its explosive nature! This tropical specimen is called the dynamite tree or sandbox tree because its fruits explode loudly to disperse their seeds. Here are 5 things to know about this amazing plant.


Garden: When to Trim Hedges for the Birds?

Home and Garden

With the arrival of warmer days, you might have planned a big spring cleaning in your garden. If you want to give your hedges a nice shape, be patient! In March, birds have probably built their nests in them. We will explain to you when to trim the hedges so as not to disturb the birds.


The Valbonne Garden Festival: a fair for Mediterranean plants

Home and Garden

The Valbonne Garden Festival, organized in the spring by the Mediterranean Gardeners Society, is the annual gathering for enthusiasts of Mediterranean plants. Horticulturists come to present and sell their plants, much to the delight of amateur gardeners in the region. Don't hesitate to check it out this weekend: admission is free!


The manchineel tree: the most toxic tree in the world

Home and Garden

If you're planning to spend your next vacation in Guadeloupe or Martinique, beware of the manchineel tree! This local hazard is neither a snake nor an insect, but an extremely toxic tree. We invite you to discover this plant species considered the most dangerous tree in the world.

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