Home and Garden

Hesperaloe parviflora or red yucca in 5 questions

Home and Garden

With global warming, dry gardens or at least very water-efficient ones have become trendy. If you are one of those gardeners concerned with conserving water resources, you can follow the xeriscaping trend by adopting a red yucca or Hesperaloe parviflora. I invite you to discover this xerophytic plant in 5 questions.


Wilted green plant: 5 tips to revive it

Home and Garden

At the end of summer, it is not uncommon for indoor plants to look sad due to the heat and lack of watering during the holidays. If you find a dried-out green plant upon your return, don't throw it directly into the trash! We will give you 5 tips to try to revive it.


Chilopsis linearis or desert willow: a heat-resistant shrub

Home and Garden

Shrub native to the southern United States and Mexico, Chilopsis linearis is still little known in France. However, this heat and drought-resistant shrub should quickly find a place in our gardens. We invite you to discover the many advantages of this flowering shrub also known as desert willow.


The marine terrazzo: a material made from recycled shells

Home and Garden

Did you know that oyster and scallop shells inspire designers? While we usually throw these shells away, it is possible to recycle them. Several companies in France have decided to give them a second life in the form of an aesthetic and functional material: marine terrazzo. We invite you to discover this material that creatively repurposes shells.


Vegetable garden: 5 vegetables to sow in August

Home and Garden

The end of summer is the season for tomatoes, zucchinis, eggplants, and peppers in the garden. But it is also the time when you can sow other varieties of vegetables to achieve abundant harvests during the winter. Here are 5 vegetables to sow in your vegetable garden in August.


Gardening: How to Harvest Seeds?

Home and Garden

Harvesting seeds directly from plants is a great way to garden without breaking the bank. However, for this trick to work, you need to harvest at the right time and in the right way! We will explain how to collect seeds from the flowers and vegetables in your garden.


Air Conditioning: 5 Good Reasons to Set the AC to 26°C

Home and Garden

In its energy sobriety plan for the summer of 2023, the government recommended limiting air conditioning to 26 degrees Celsius in shops and transportation. Of course, this regulation does not apply to private homes and cars. However, we will give you 5 good reasons to set the air conditioning to 26°C or higher.


How to save water in the garden?

Home and Garden

The summer drought, which affects many regions, sometimes requires restrictions on watering lawns, flowers, and vegetable gardens. Here are some tips and tricks to save water in the garden and mitigate the effects of the drought.


Drip irrigation: how does it work?

Home and Garden

If you are looking for an easy method to water your green plants in your absence, for example during holidays, you can try a proven trick: wick watering or string watering. But what exactly is it and what materials do you need? We will explain how to proceed to save your plants from dehydration.


Cats in the vegetable garden: 5 tips to keep them away

Home and Garden

Even though these furballs are adorable, your cat or the neighbor's cat can cause damage in the garden. To prevent scratches on plants, droppings, and soil turned over at the base of your crops, some deterrent measures are necessary. Here are 5 tips to keep cats away from your vegetable garden without harming them.

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