Columbine is a pretty perennial plant that can come in many colors. Its flowers, sometimes two-toned, unfold petals with unique shapes, rounded or truncated, or even extended by a curved spur. Here are 5 things to know about this beautiful spring flower.
The mixed border is one of the elements that contribute to the charm of English gardens. If you enjoy colorful and abundant blooms, you can incorporate this type of romantic flowerbed along your garden paths. We will explain how to create a mixed English-style border.
The shrubby cinquefoil resembles a small rose bush with single flowers and provides generous blooming throughout the summer. As an added bonus, this bushy plant adapts to all soil types and grows everywhere in France. Here are 5 things to know about this easy-going shrub.
If you fall into the category of overworked professionals and/or busy moms, you know how hard it is to keep an apartment consistently tidy. To prevent clutter from taking over your home when you're short on time, there's a trick known as the one-minute rule. We'll explain what it entails in 5 questions.
In the sweetener aisle, you may have already seen yacon syrup. But do you know the plant from which this sweet syrup is derived? Here's everything you need to know about the characteristics, cultivation, and benefits of yacon or ground pear.
The arrival of the warmer days brings a breath of fresh air into the home. This season is perfect for reinventing your decor without changing everything. For those who wish to create a springtime atmosphere synonymous with nature, color, and good cheer, here are 5 ideas to refresh your decoration for spring.
Japanese stepping stones made their way to the West with the trend of Japanese gardens. This type of path has been used for centuries in Japan to cross grassy areas, zen gardens, and bodies of water. We are going to explain how to lay Japanese stepping stones on your lawn.
Because they have a limited amount of potting soil, potted plants require regular fertilizer applications. If you're wondering which product to use to feed your houseplants and how often to provide them with fertilizer, the following article is for you. We will explain how to fertilize potted plants in 5 questions.
With global warming and increasingly frequent drought episodes, it is becoming urgent to replace grass with more water-efficient alternatives. If you are looking for resilient grasses that require less watering, here are 5 water-saving plants that can serve as lawn in a garden.
Due to its natural mineral richness, wood ash is known to be beneficial for plants. However, this natural fertilizer should be applied sparingly. We will explain to you how to use wood ash in the garden.