Health and Beauty

Mushrooms: beware of poisoning!

Health and Beauty

With the end of summer comes mushroom picking season. But be careful, this countryside pastime is not without danger! Every year, between 1200 and 1300 cases of poisoning are reported in the second half of the year. The number of cases is even on the rise due to unreliable mobile applications. Here are the precautions to take to limit the risks of poisoning.


Lice: diagnosis and natural solutions

Health and Beauty

Head lice, which are parasites exclusive to humans, regularly invade our children's heads to feed and lay hundreds of eggs. When an outbreak occurs at school or daycare, it is best to stay calm and immediately seek treatment. In addition to shampoos and insecticide lotions, there are 100% natural solutions against lice.


Rice water for skin and hair: an easy beauty trick

Health and Beauty

The next time you prepare rice, don't throw away the rinsing or cooking water of this grain anymore! Rice water is a precious ally for the beauty of the skin and hair. We will explain to you how to use this ancestral trick of Asian women.


Foot self-massage: an easy routine

Health and Beauty

According to the principles of foot reflexology, foot massage is beneficial not only for relaxation but also for balancing the entire body. Unlike other inaccessible parts of the body, such as the back, it is possible to self-massage the feet. We offer you an easy method to discover self-foot massage.


Griffonia: a natural anti-stress

Health and Beauty

The back-to-school period is often a source of stress and can be accompanied by a little bit of sadness due to the end of vacations and the arrival of autumn. To help you get through this difficult emotional phase, we suggest discovering a plant known for its anti-stress and mood-enhancing properties: griffonia.


Memory Week: an unprecedented event in Lille

Health and Beauty

The city of Lille and its region will soon organize a week dedicated to the exploration of memory in all its forms. The program of this Memory Week includes conferences, roundtables, and free workshops that will help better understand this vast subject of society and public health.


The French Gut: a project to map the microbiota of the French.

Health and Beauty

Scientists are increasingly discussing the importance of gut flora and the need to take care of it for good health. However, they have not yet unraveled all the mysteries of this microscopic world, also known as the microbiota. That is why Inrae launched a project called the French Gut last September. Its aim is to map the microbiota of the French population. Here's an explanation.


Heatwave and health: mistakes to avoid

Health and Beauty

To protect your body during periods of high heat, there are things to do and things you should definitely not do! We invite you to discover the mistakes to avoid in order to protect your health during a heatwave.


Cancer: what are the dangers of carrageenan?

Health and Beauty

Carrageenans, also known as E407, are very common food additives in industrial dishes and desserts. As they are extracted from algae, they have long been considered harmless. But it is now known that this is not the case. We will explain to you the dangers of carrageenans and their ability to promote certain cancers.


Facial hair: 5 methods of hair removal

Health and Beauty

After menopause, it happens to some women that the peach fuzz on their face thickens or coarse hairs start growing on their chin. If you're looking for the most suitable technique to get rid of these facial hairs, here are 5 hair removal methods to consider taking into account your hairiness and budget.

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