Health and Beauty

Mpox or monkeypox: 5 misconceptions about this virus

Health and Beauty

As the Mpox epidemic is rapidly spreading in Africa and is likely to reach Europe, many rumors and misconceptions are circulating about this virus. We will help you get a clearer understanding and debunk 5 myths about monkeypox.


Ragweed: the scourge of allergy sufferers

Health and Beauty

Despite its poetic name, ragweed is a real scourge for people who suffer from pollen allergies. This plant, native to North America, causes severe allergies during its flowering period in August and September. Here is everything you need to know about this highly allergenic herb in 3 questions.


Does hair grow faster in the summer?

Health and Beauty

You may have heard that hair grows faster in the summer. But is this a scientific truth or just a myth? Are body hairs also affected by this summer growth? Here are the answers to the beauty questions you ask yourself every summer.


Orthorexia: When Should You Be Concerned?

Health and Beauty

Contrary to what one might think, eating too balanced is not recommended. Just like anorexia and bulimia, the obsession with healthy food or orthorexia is an eating disorder. It is much less known than anorexia, yet 1 in 5 French people are affected to varying degrees. Here is the definition of this pathology, the risks it entails, and a test to determine if you are orthorexic.


Soluble chicory: should you adopt this trendy drink?

Health and Beauty

An iconic specialty of Northern France, soluble chicory is also a beverage full of health benefits. The root from which it is made has nutritional and medicinal properties. But this is not the only reason for the resurgence of this coffee substitute. We offer you an analysis of this trend in 5 questions.


Sleeping with the fan on: why it's a bad idea

Health and Beauty

When temperatures remain high after nightfall, many people have no other solution than to leave a fan on all night near their bed. Even without considering the electricity consumption of this device, this trick to cool down is not without its drawbacks. We will explain why it is a bad idea, especially for a certain category of people.


Tanorexia: An Unknown Addiction to Tanning

Health and Beauty

Have you ever heard of the dangers of tanorexia? This term and the addiction it describes are largely unknown to the general public. Yet, this form of tanning dependence can have serious health consequences. I invite you to discover this surprising addiction to the sun in 5 questions.


Are UV tanning booths carcinogenic?

Health and Beauty

Who has never dreamed of a tan complexion in winter as well as in summer? UV tanning booths are becoming increasingly popular among the French, but according to a very serious study, they cause more victims than tobacco.


Mental health: the unexpected benefits of watching sports on television

Health and Beauty

As the Paris 2024 Olympics are in full swing, millions of viewers are watching the performances of the world's best athletes on their TV screens. If you feel guilty about sitting in front of your television, a recent study from Anglia Ruskin University in England should put your mind at ease. It has indeed demonstrated the unsuspected benefits of watching sports... on television!


Catnip: Everything You Need to Know About This Herb That Cats Love

Health and Beauty

Did you know that there are not just one but several species of cat grass? This term refers to young shoots of grasses that your domestic feline can eat, but also to a euphoric plant that cats love: catnip! Here is everything you need to know about this plant in 5 questions.

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