The eye is a particularly fragile area that must be protected when doing certain DIY or gardening jobs. In the event of an accident involving this vulnerable organ, the seriousness of the injury must not be minimized. We explain what to do in case of eye injury.
Birch sap is one of the most popular natural remedies for a cure at the change of season. If you want to detoxify your body as spring approaches, we will explain how to take this detox drink with multiple virtues. We propose to review the benefits and contraindications of this product in 5 questions.
Having a garden is a real plus when you have a dog or cat. However, if you want your pet to be able to run around safely, you need to adapt the surroundings of your house. We explain how to create a garden for a dog or a cat.
If you need to lose weight because of a health problem, don't hesitate to seek help in this difficult process. Start with a consultation with your general practitioner before turning to other weight loss specialists. We will explain below which doctor is the best for weight loss.
A rather common problem, occasional or chronic constipation affects nearly 35% of the population. We often underestimate the importance of this symptom, which can lead to complications or be a sign of more serious problems. Here are three preconceived notions to banish on the subject.
Various pathologies can affect the eyes. If some eye diseases are benign, others require an emergency consultation with an ophthalmologist. Here is a small summary of the symptoms that should alert you.
Just as Monsieur Jourdain wrote prose without knowing it, you have probably already used thermotherapy without knowing it! This natural method consists of using heat or cold to relieve pain. We explain in which cases to use a hot water bottle or an ice pack.
After several legislative stutters, hemp flowers rich in cannabidiol have been definitively authorized in France on December 29, 2022. But are you familiar with the legislation on this subject and the characteristics and properties of this product? We propose you to know everything about CBD flowers in 5 questions.
Excessive consumption of sugary products is associated with an increased risk of diabetes and cavities, but also obesity, cardiovascular disease and certain cancers. Contrary to what we often imagine, weight gain and tooth decay are not the only warning signs. We have listed for you 5 signs that you are eating too much sugar.
Have you heard about the Coke Baby phenomenon? More and more dentists and other health professionals want to alert parents to the ravages of sugary drinks on the teeth of very young children. We propose to you to discover what is this plague and how to prevent the caries in the toddlers.