The winter season is often synonymous with fatigue, colds and even seasonal depression. Fortunately, traditional medicines can help you keep your energy up and boost your immune system. Here are 3 tips inspired by Chinese medicine to stay in shape in winter.
While cancer affects 382,000 people per year in France, the proportion of patients who survive the disease is increasing overall. This rather positive observation is not the only good reason to hope. Researchers are experimenting with new strategies to strengthen the body's immune defenses to fight cancer cells. Several promising advances give hope for the development of anti-cancer vaccines in a few years. Here are some explanations.
Cats, which have a sense of smell 14 times more developed than humans, are very concerned about cleanliness and therefore have requirements regarding their litter. Owners of small domestic felines now have a choice of mineral or vegetable litter. If you're not sure which litter is best for your cat, read our comparison below! We've listed the advantages of vegetable litter for you.
When we talk about the medicinal virtues of plants, we often mention the properties of essential oils or infusions. But did you know that it is also possible to take advantage of the benefits of hydrolats, another product resulting from the distillation of plants with steam? For all those who want to learn about hydrolatherapy, here are 5 hydrolats that you can drink to treat yourself.
The beginning of the year is a time for good resolutions. If you've chosen to participate in the Dry January, which consists of not drinking a drop of alcohol for the entire month of January, you may be having some difficulty meeting this challenge over time. If you feel your motivation is waning, here are 5 tips to keep your month alcohol-free.
Since 2005, the third Monday of January has been dubbed the most depressing day of the year and has been nicknamed Blue Monday. Originally, the choice of this date was presented as the result of an equation taking into account the lack of light and the nostalgia of the end-of-year holidays. But, under its pseudo-scientific allure, this assertion would only be a sham. Explanations.
Over time, our bones lose density and the risk of fracture increases. The deterioration of this bone capital is called osteopenia. If your bone density test has shown that you are at this stage before osteoporosis, you may be wondering what you can do to strengthen your bones. We'll take a look at 5 questions to help you understand osteopenia.
A natural stage in a woman's life, menopause does not only affect her mood and quality of life. This hormonal upheaval also has an impact on the beauty of the skin, hair and nails. Here are 5 tips to keep your skin beautiful during menopause.
What if, in order to finally keep your good resolutions, all you had to do was choose them well? To succeed in transforming a good resolution into action, it is better to take only one at a time and think carefully about what you want to achieve. Here is a practical guide on how to define your goals for the coming year.
Among the new products in the hygiene and health department, some will make you smile again! Several innovations have appeared among toothpastes and accessories for oral hygiene. We have selected 5 new products to discover to take care of your teeth.