Health and Beauty

Are UV tanning booths carcinogenic?

Health and Beauty

Who has never dreamed of a tan complexion in winter as well as in summer? UV tanning booths are becoming increasingly popular among the French, but according to a very serious study, they cause more victims than tobacco.


Mental health: the unexpected benefits of watching sports on television

Health and Beauty

As the Paris 2024 Olympics are in full swing, millions of viewers are watching the performances of the world's best athletes on their TV screens. If you feel guilty about sitting in front of your television, a recent study from Anglia Ruskin University in England should put your mind at ease. It has indeed demonstrated the unsuspected benefits of watching sports... on television!


Catnip: Everything You Need to Know About This Herb That Cats Love

Health and Beauty

Did you know that there are not just one but several species of cat grass? This term refers to young shoots of grasses that your domestic feline can eat, but also to a euphoric plant that cats love: catnip! Here is everything you need to know about this plant in 5 questions.


Expired sunscreen: can it still be used?

Health and Beauty

It cannot be stressed enough: in summer, sun protection is essential to avoid sunburn and skin aging. When the warm weather arrives, it is tempting to reuse last year's sun products. But is it really a good idea? Here is what to do if you find expired sunscreen in your cupboards or beach bag.


Beauty: How to Have Beautiful Nails Without Polish?

Health and Beauty

If you're tired of chipped polish and the fumes from nail polish remover, follow the new no make-up trend! There is indeed a return to natural nails, provided they are smooth and shiny. Here are 5 beauty tips to adopt for beautiful nails without polish and without having to wait for them to dry.


Sick on vacation: understanding leisure sickness in 5 questions

Health and Beauty

If you have the unfortunate habit of getting sick when you go on vacation, you are probably suffering from leisure sickness! We offer you a better understanding of this syndrome that could ruin your holidays in 5 questions.


Beauty: 5 Tips to Make Your Makeup Last in Hot Weather

Health and Beauty

The summer heat puts makeup products to the test. As soon as temperatures rise, it's common for skin to shine, foundation to not hold, and mascara to start running. To avoid all these problems, it's essential to modify your makeup routine in the summer. We will give you 5 beauty tips to make your makeup last when it's hot.


Weever fish sting: what to do?

Health and Beauty

In summer, most swimmers fear jellyfish stings but are unaware of another danger: weever fish. These fish, equipped with formidable dorsal spines, are one of the only venomous fish species found on our coasts. We will explain what to do in case of a weever fish sting.


Dietary supplements and cancer: 5 products to avoid

Health and Beauty

During cancer treatments, patients sometimes believe they are doing the right thing by taking plants reputed to be good for the liver or effective against anxiety or joint pain. Unfortunately, dietary supplements do not always mix well with anticancer treatments. Here are 5 products to avoid due to their toxicity or potential interactions with certain chemotherapies or hormone therapy.


Sunscreen: Beware of misconceptions!

Health and Beauty

A rumor that sunscreens are useless is circulating on the Internet and social media. Moreover, according to a Febea survey published at the beginning of summer 2024, nearly 4 out of 10 French people think they do not need it. This discourse is dangerous, especially as the number of skin cancers continues to rise in France. To help you better understand and properly use this product, we have listed 5 misconceptions to combat about sunscreen.

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