As soon as the days shorten and the weather cools down, our beautiful energy inherited from the holidays already seems to be waning. With the return to school and the change of season, depression and stress loom over us. Fortunately, this slight drop in morale is not inevitable. To remedy it, here are 5 tips for a healthy autumn.
Do you want to adopt the trendiest makeup for the new school year? Go green and try brat makeup! Following the brat summer launched by artist Charli XCX, this makeup highlights intense colors and a bold style. We will explain how to follow this new trend in 5 questions.
If you are one of those women who are tired of spending a fortune on period products, you may have been tempted to follow the new menstrual trend: free bleeding. We will explain what this practice involves and what dangers it entails in 5 questions.
As part of the Mon bilan prévention program, nearly 21 million French people will receive an invitation in their email inbox to make an appointment with a healthcare professional. But what does this preventive medical visit involve and, most importantly, is it free? We offer you an understanding through 5 questions.
If you are considering cosmetic surgery to reduce the signs of aging on your face, be aware that facelift techniques have greatly evolved and now offer a more natural result. We propose to help you understand everything about facelifts in 5 questions.
Did you know that persistent fatigue and a feeling of despondency can be signs of iodine deficiency? This trace element is essential for the production of thyroid hormones that regulate our metabolism and mood. We tell you all about the symptoms of deficiency and how to remedy it.
Inflation, which has heavily impacted food products in recent months, has not spared pet food. If you want to continue pampering your dog or cat without skyrocketing the bill, discover our 5 tips to reduce costs in this area.
People who practice hatha yoga are often interested, directly or indirectly, in traditional Indian medicine or Ayurveda. In this ancient medicine, diet plays a crucial role in restoring the balance between body and mind. One of the iconic specialties of the Ayurvedic diet is kitchari, a comforting dish that is particularly recommended for consumption in autumn.
Are you looking for accommodation for a senior in the Paris region? Have you considered looking for a retirement home in Corbeil-Essonnes? This town located about thirty kilometers southeast of Paris offers various types of accommodations for seniors and suitable activities. To convince you, we have listed 5 things to do there with an elderly person.
Dyslexia, which is characterized by difficulty in associating letters and sounds during the learning process of reading, affects 5% to 10% of schoolchildren in France. Long victims of misconceptions, these students do not always receive appropriate support, even though their learning difficulties are now officially recognized as a neurodevelopmental disorder. We propose to help you better understand the most well-known of the "dys" disorders through 5 questions.