For many people who enjoy cooking, the main reason preventing them from preparing delicious meals every day can be summed up by a lack of time. Indeed, it takes time to browse supermarket aisles in search of the best ingredients. Meal kits offer an extremely effective solution in this context, providing effortless access to a wide variety of quality products with just a few clicks. With the promise of delicious and varied dishes, these ready-to-cook meal baskets represent much more than a simple practical solution for daily meals. Meal kits are an irresistible invitation to dive into a world of flavors for new culinary experiences for the finest food lovers. High-end products, convenience, accessibility, and simplicity: let's explore the benefits of this concept.
Sprouted seeds are not just delicate garnishes that are sprinkled on top of salads or seasonal toasts. These tiny sprouts are also superfoods because they concentrate the vitamins and proteins that were originally in the seed. If you're not sure where to start, here are four seeds that are easy to sprout at home.
Tired of tomato sauce pasta? Looking for a unique vegetable-based alternative? Try our broad bean pasta recipe! These tagliatelle seasoned with an herb pesto and broad beans make for a simple and flavorful spring dish.
Among the alternatives to sugar, yacon syrup is the new trendy product. But what exactly is it? And is this sweetening product really good for your health? We invite you to discover the advantages and disadvantages of this new sweetener in 5 questions.
If you're looking for a breakfast idea that is both healthy, delicious, and 100% plant-based, try our apple cinnamon porridge recipe. This porridge made with oat flakes, plant-based drink, and grated apple is tasty and easy to make.
Many food enthusiasts are still unaware, but vegan baking is a rapidly growing trend among professionals and home bakers alike. By definition, a vegan cake contains no animal-derived ingredients, which requires the baker to find alternatives for eggs, milk, cream, butter, and even honey. For those who want to try their hand at plant-based baking, here are 8 tips for making vegan cakes.
If you love Quebec poutine, that specialty made with fries, brown gravy, and melted cheese, you're going to adore the following recipe! In the ground beef poutine-style casserole, we add meat to turn this Quebec specialty into a full meal.
Specialty hailing from England, the fruitcake is the perfect cake for tea time. We invite you to discover the traditional recipe for this cake made with candied fruits and currants.
A type of thick yogurt from Iceland, skyr is the new star in the dairy aisle. It owes its success to its low fat content and its reputation as a hunger-suppressing food. But is its high price really justified? We offer to review the pros and cons of this Northern dairy specialty.
Looking for an original way to dress up simple egg Chinese noodles? Try our chicken and cabbage Chinese noodle recipe! With its curry and coconut milk-based sauce, this exotic dish is a perfect example of fusion food.